colorado and washington state, are good STARTS. now its time to get out talk to peopleEDUCATE PEOPLE about cannabis, let them know as you are talking that durring your conversation 32 people died from alcohol. and thet there has NEVER EVER BEEN ONE CASUALTY FROM THE DIRECT USE OF CANNABIS! also nomanclature ; stop calling it " pot" weed" "loud" the word cannabis is all we need/
did you know that the word marijuana means low quality tobacco???? im not calling my meds "tobbaco"
ok what dose it mean then? please educate me 🙂
i understood just fine what he was saying..ya have ta be stooopid to think you can get a hightime subscription for 6 bux at a 7/11
Ok, is it me or is there a correlation between SOME people who smoke pot and conspiracy videos?!?!
that's exactly what i just promoted…'s common sense you won't be able to get a magazine subscription at a connivence store…..fuckin stoners lol
if you don't have a High Times Magazine subscription, look for your local 7/11 and purchase it there! about 6 bucks
colorado and washington state, are good STARTS. now its time to get out talk to peopleEDUCATE PEOPLE about cannabis, let them know as you are talking that durring your conversation 32 people died from alcohol. and thet there has NEVER EVER BEEN ONE CASUALTY FROM THE DIRECT USE OF CANNABIS! also nomanclature ; stop calling it " pot" weed" "loud" the word cannabis is all we need/
did you know that the word marijuana means low quality tobacco???? im not calling my meds "tobbaco"
congrats Colorado, im from Cali, how does it feel?
I can't believe us in Colorado did it we legalized pot
It is within the PEOPLE. You must act and encourage others to act, vote, and change minds and legislation! 😉
Where is the uk legalisation ??
id personaly rather see pot and the nba instead of football
where can i subscribe living in holland dont want to go to the coffeeshop to read hightimes when i got weed at home 🙁