19 Commentaires

  1. I am officially confused. My mighty arrived this evening and I've spent some time looking at videos. I will be using it for both herb as well as e-juice.

    I think the dosing capsules threw me. Am I right in thinking the dosing capsules do not go into the Mighty and are just used for…well….measuring the right amount to put into the machine?

    Secondly, I micro dose with weed. Assuming the dosing capsule doesn't go into the Mighty, do I put the aroma pad in first and then put a small bit of weed on top of it, or do I put a small bit of weed in first and then put the aroma pad in? I've seen people do both and I am wondering which way is more correct.

    Finally…..I got a tiny plastic cup with the Mighty that is used in the dosing circular device. I assume this is for e-juice. How the heck do I smoke e-juice? The plastic cylinder fits into the loading bay but then you can't screw the top piece with the pipe on because the plastic cylinder is the in the way.

    Additionally, the instruction are quite ambiguous. They give the impression that you put the dosing capsule into the Mighty, but the aroma pad doesn't fit into the dosing capsule despite some other dude on YouTube claiming that they do.

    Anyways, thanks for any hints and tips on this.

  2. Aroma pad? do you mean the liquid pad? I got some extracts but i've never used it with a vaporizer and i have a mighty. Do I just take the pad and put my extract on it? 

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