NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NUGSMASHER XP juillet 2, 2022 admin CBD Recipes 12 In this episode Ryan explains how to get higher yields with the NugSmasher® XP and using the NugSmasher® APP together. Check on YouTube Nugsmashers
CBD Recipes ROSIN IS LIQUID GOLD! Two Strains Lemon Drizzle and Mike Larry Make Fire Cannabis Concentrates juillet 16, 2022 admin CBD Recipes 14 21+ Educational Purposes Only** **Nothing For Sale** *This video and it’s statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and … Check on YouTube
CBD Recipes S'mash Up- Vol. II juillet 4, 2022 admin CBD Recipes 6 21+ Educational Purposes Only** **Nothing For Sale** **This video and it’s statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and … Check on YouTube
Just got the xp bundle like an hour ago!!!😁🔥 where do I find the Terps files? I have the calculator. Product is exactly what I expected. Now let's give it a smash! Thnx guy's. I appreciate the content!🔥🔥 Répondre
interested !! so from the 10 and a half grams u yield over 15gs of rosin am I correct? ty
Just got the xp bundle like an hour ago!!!😁🔥 where do I find the Terps files? I have the calculator. Product is exactly what I expected. Now let's give it a smash! Thnx guy's. I appreciate the content!🔥🔥
Just ordered the XP yesterday. Can’t wait!
What is the best parchment paper to use
The code doesnt work 😔
Am I suppose to keep the plates touching when not using and heating up?
Love my unit. The guage is clutch
Just ordered my XP!!!
Do you hear your metal stick when collecting the rosin? Or better to collect cold
The quality was worth it tho 💯🛸🔥 RESPECT for the transparency 💯💯💯
nice close ups on those nugs🔥
I wish I could smoke like them