HIGH TIMES hit the streets to learn more about pot and politics and find out how everyday New Yorkers would go about legalizing … Check on YouTube
14 Commentaires
U keep showing flower and even at the start of it u show a nug being pressed. But your extracting rosin from looks like bubble hash. Yeilds are much differnts bubble hash vs flower. And 5000psi? Idk about that for hand twist
U keep showing flower and even at the start of it u show a nug being pressed. But your extracting rosin from looks like bubble hash. Yeilds are much differnts bubble hash vs flower. And 5000psi? Idk about that for hand twist
press is hella hard to hold unless is bolted down. also the bolts holding the heat plates bend and warped first day of use
how much did you press?
That press only puts out 500lbs of downward force. Where he got 5,000lbs from is beyond me. An exaggeration of 10 may be a lie.
Too bad dude doesn't show respect towards his customers
Its still resin not rosin
skeet skeet skeet
Hell ya can't wait
Holy shit
That looks delicious!
where can i buy this press?
I want to make a press like that! I bet they are expensive to buy.
wow I'm exited!!!