A lot of people ask me to make skateboarding videos. As it’s the end of the year I thought I’d put all of my throwaway clips into one … Check on YouTube
Drew you the guy, yanowhatimsayin But there's a technique to transfering over the gum from papers without using the paper itself, be worth doing in future I rekon lad. Big up best green channel 🤙🏼
Really love the quality. N' shout out to ur camera man but if they'd just open the iris and stop fucking with the zoom it would look better. although I do like the effect; it's a little overdone.
I remember during Christmas, was buying an ounce of ammo, my mate coincidentally was next on the list for delivery, i get home and i roll up my little 1 skinner and my mate shows me a picture of this massive ounce joint he was holding with both hands, made me jealous
Holy shit bro that’s a big zoot , nice to see another English brother out sampling the strains I recently moved to Northern Ireland cos I’m half Irish currently doing a comparison in who’s weed is better but then I realised over here all the weed is just imported from England because apparently Irish people love our shit ! Star dawg especially
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
If I ever roll a monster joint I like to make it a plumbers joint. Roll it with a cocktail skewer running through the centre before carefully pulling it out via the roach end. No matter how tightly packed it is, it will hit like crazy because of the tunnel of airflow running through the centre. Just be careful when it hits your throat because you’ll likely cough.
I stuffed 2 wiz cones that holds the same amount for a concert and I was so high it was hard staying awake standing up listening to lil baby probably 1 of my best memories of my life😂
Remember to check out the twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/drewissharing
Anyone else here watch RadRatVideo? Sick guy.
Also big up WeedUpEntertainment!
I realy realy want that
I def wanna roll and make a half ounce joint
All good bruv, nicely done, but wouldn't been easier using ocb rips as long as you want it to be just join another for width, but good job anyway
great video keep it up
Ur lungs are blacker than me 💀
You can buy single raws that you can roal up 12 Inch
This is why you just buy a long single Rizla
Drew you the guy, yanowhatimsayin But there's a technique to transfering over the gum from papers without using the paper itself, be worth doing in future I rekon lad. Big up best green channel 🤙🏼
Left half on table ground and still unground, looks about 9-10
You have to puff harder when you start that J
bro did you face that on your own?
Really love the quality. N' shout out to ur camera man but if they'd just open the iris and stop fucking with the zoom it would look better. although I do like the effect; it's a little overdone.
Lucky wish I could have one like that
Go to holiday on himalayas. You will love it.. ❤🥴🤔😳🤣😂
"Ive only smoked 4 grams" ~ this legend
I remember during Christmas, was buying an ounce of ammo, my mate coincidentally was next on the list for delivery, i get home and i roll up my little 1 skinner and my mate shows me a picture of this massive ounce joint he was holding with both hands, made me jealous
11:56 “I’ve only smoked 4 grams” 😂
Holy shit bro that’s a big zoot , nice to see another English brother out sampling the strains I recently moved to Northern Ireland cos I’m half Irish currently doing a comparison in who’s weed is better but then I realised over here all the weed is just imported from England because apparently Irish people love our shit ! Star dawg especially
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
People can be addicted to any substance.sugar,coffee,or any drink.marijuana is no different.it’s not addictive like hard drugs but people can form addiction/addictive habits plus u can’t OD on 100 grams of weed
I've done this it smoked for almost 3 hrs
Its funny that you use such a cheap grinder in all your videos
This mans got a farm in the background lololol
If I ever roll a monster joint I like to make it a plumbers joint. Roll it with a cocktail skewer running through the centre before carefully pulling it out via the roach end. No matter how tightly packed it is, it will hit like crazy because of the tunnel of airflow running through the centre. Just be careful when it hits your throat because you’ll likely cough.
That’s a cigar bro
nig*a smokes so much weed that his hair turned green SMH.
How do you not whitey?
big smokes pifffffff
Do you not burn the other end roach end to get the loose paper off
Brain damage bro you put al that weed in with taks al blads
Sindney rolled the longest joint
Bruh I don’t think I’d be able to walk after that
Camera work in this is nice
Is this thc or cbd?
That shit is smoking like ass, rolled to tight
You need to put a hole all the way through the center of the joint for better airflow when rolling something around 10 grams or more
I stuffed 2 wiz cones that holds the same amount for a concert and I was so high it was hard staying awake standing up listening to lil baby probably 1 of my best memories of my life😂
His lung ☠️🫁⚫
Anyone know where to get one of them decent jet torches from
What strain is that by the way.
Need to catch the second toke coming from cherry end after inhale bruh