27 Commentaires

  1. If you ever get the chance Maui pineapple Is hand down the best I’ve ever had, it’s a cross of Maui wowwie and Pineapple Express I got it from a friend that brought it back from Amsterdam back in ‘08

  2. That's not galato lol I've gotten it from 8 different depos now it's never had purple like that.

    Your dealer had some good looking weed so he picked a random strain name and sold it to you.

  3. i wonder what the Americans would say about strains over here in Norway.
    got a Gelato yesterday. and it loooked NOTHING like this xD
    it never does in my country though….
    how can people grow bad, barely smelling weed?
    i tested once, grew a plant, just to learn and see, didnt do much to it, fed it some, maybe 80 watt light++
    and it turned out dank as fuck, got like 8 grams dried, but it reeked.

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