29 Commentaires

  1. Im Very Thankful for coats currently lol Been going on a lot of walks lately….Enjoy THE AIR with Those Clouds people 🙂 Trust me I am…. Gotta say some deep hits and then that walk…. Fully Reclears and Reforms the nose innerly…. Cheers Though 😀 , I Hope everyone doing well today though! ohh my bad this morning… lol xD

  2. I have like 17 Hemper rigs by now. The snow globe is definitely the nicest piece! I love the creative designs, like the Henny bottle, the cup n straw, Apple cider bottle, now at the very very top of this list…..THE SNOW GLOBE! Oh and not to mention it dabs like a champ!
    (Sorry, nothing personal, but your Colab piece, the pineapple, didn't quite make this list. Sorry)
    (Just got my January box earlier today. The new bell rig is sick!!!)

  3. Can you do a video about oil carts? I live in an illegal state and there’s been tons of sketchy looking oil carts going around. Most of them are from illegitimate brands that have very little to no product information on the package.

  4. Guys guys guys! I've solved it. If you just play the video and go off to play videogames or shoot some H, you DON'T HAVE TO STARE AT THAT HIDEOUS THING Josh has hanging off from his nose, and you still get to enjoy the content.

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Josh! I got some good things going on my channel and if you could give me a shoutout to the weedtube community about my channel that would be very much appreciated 🙂

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