32 Commentaires
I don't understand why so many people are hating. I love this new segment. These guys are really educated on solvent less products and I learn something from each vid. The melt shots are next level also. Great job guys
Honestly, i subbed to CCC over 2 years ago and ive strayed farther and farther away ever since the new guys joined the channel. I know they are helping bring new content out on a steady basis but i only watch the videos with OG CCC members and i dont see that changing, IMO they dont fit the channel.
right on fellas. Good stuff I'm liking your content more and more with every video..keep up the great work. Definitely keep playing with the terps the more we learn the better, I've def noticed the giddy effects on you guys and Bubbleman with those terpenes can't wait to try them.
Tall more about the spiritual aspect of the concentrates, is it like a euphoria in your head or like a full body tingling or more of a sedative meditative like from a sour deisel
You guys been doing great, love these new solvent-less sessions, you've been putting out. I know you're probably still dialing things in, but the volume while you guys talk on the vid is too low. It's been a pretty consistent problem, and I found this vid to be the worst offense. Had to crank my volume up, and BOOM! The closing song hits, thought I was gonna blow a speaker. Keep up the excellent content, but get the voice volume turned up please.
I don't understand why so many people are hating. I love this new segment. These guys are really educated on solvent less products and I learn something from each vid. The melt shots are next level also. Great job guys
fuck yea guys keep it up
jeez if the dialogue is that quiet then don't turn the music up.
Yeah these guys are knowledgeable and passionate, just don't get the dislikes! We still get Shane and Dan you know…
whats the one drop per liter of h2o? explain a lil more if u can…good video.
Honestly, i subbed to CCC over 2 years ago and ive strayed farther and farther away ever since the new guys joined the channel. I know they are helping bring new content out on a steady basis but i only watch the videos with OG CCC members and i dont see that changing, IMO they dont fit the channel.
intro song???
Bubbleman is so boring
Idk man, I didn't sub to these guys .. I feel a lot of people aren't here for just quality weed reviews, rather we're here for Shane and Dan. And Bob.
I fucking love solvent less Sunday. Even when it's not Sunday.
Keep up the good work, that stuff looks fire
I dab just about everyday and this stuff makes me want to look into trying new things.
part twwwwwo I was waiting like WTF Aha keep up the great Shit
right on fellas. Good stuff I'm liking your content more and more with every video..keep up the great work. Definitely keep playing with the terps the more we learn the better, I've def noticed the giddy effects on you guys and Bubbleman with those terpenes can't wait to try them.
Notification squad
beautiful oil man.
loved the true 72 enail melt shot… loved it …more melt shots please
wtf what's up with the dislikes? misleading asf it's a great video thanks for the quality guys!
good things DO happen to good people….
Would like to see different styles of music!
get a better mic, keep on keepin on
Tall more about the spiritual aspect of the concentrates, is it like a euphoria in your head or like a full body tingling or more of a sedative meditative like from a sour deisel
Blue river ftw
You guys been doing great, love these new solvent-less sessions, you've been putting out. I know you're probably still dialing things in, but the volume while you guys talk on the vid is too low. It's been a pretty consistent problem, and I found this vid to be the worst offense. Had to crank my volume up, and BOOM! The closing song hits, thought I was gonna blow a speaker. Keep up the excellent content, but get the voice volume turned up please.
i am just wondering how long a ten drop vial can last? like how many terp dabs can u get per drop on average ?
i think that bubble guy is cool but everything he does seems to be in his own self interest.
Yo Sick ass Thump Nail
One of the most enjoyable CCC segments for sure!
Love the CCC
Today's not Sunday lol nice vid guys, get that camera thing fixed, Google that bitch. Keep up th great work guys stay Stoney
song is actually Bas – Methylon not Kendrick Lamar – Untitled 2 incase anyone is wondering, our bad on the credits!
Great song for the intro !