25 Commentaires

  1. @highigan – I'd like to say guys your cat is an absolute stunner, and I'm glad you guys keep your pets invovled as this prevents them causing a problems, at current mine won't leave my coco-coir alone, bit hell if if my cat wants to learn too thats cool with me, but aside from all that do you gius think mixing coco-coir with ppotting soil is a good mix when putting sprouys in or should I just stick to tryed and tested methods, hoping to get started in spring (for my own health)
    And also looking forward to see if you guys bring stickers out too as I'm hoping to be buying a curing jar as I don't have one thanks guys

  2. Damn I wish I would have seen this when it first started bc I would have loved to be apart of the grow off challenge, this is something I've seen done many time b4 on other social media platforms including YouTube but I never been a part of one, maybe next time but I hope everybody who is in on it is having a great time with it so far and may the best grow win!!! Peace and respect brother/sister! #TrueGrowezLove

  3. As you guys going to be more and more experience you will realize that the Happy Frog will supply your little seedlings enough nutrients until you transplanted into the 3-gallon pots.Highly recommend to use Superthrive with every watering.

  4. This is how I start my seeds, except you ought to allow germination to occur within a 24hr period, just soak your seed in warm water for 24hr and drop it into soil, the tap root will already be there no worries and no need to use paper tissue at all – you'll also notice that when using tissue you'll have a chance to break your tap root – YOU ONLY NEED THAT SMALL TINY TAP ROOT TO GET IT GOING PUT IT INTO SOIL WHEN YOU SEE THAT FIRST TAP ROOT. Basic potting soil for the first three nodes and then it goes direct into its pot, you don't need a special mix at all – any soil will do for this kind of germination. You grossly over compensated nutrients in that cup… that's borderline nutrient burn. If you two have questions feel free to ask, I have my degree in Botany, Horticulture, and Mycology. I have grown cannabis commercially and more. Your aluminum container will rust which will release Aluminum oxides into the soil which is BAD for your roots.

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