30 Commentaires

  1. I just copped 3 pack of biohazard and 2 packs of hazmat I think it is from Archive. I’m Hopping back into the 2ktent life after 2 years on papers . Cross y’all fingers for me finding that GA$$$$$$ pheno !!!! Does the @ccc420 know if chem( chem x dosidos ) strains wash well???? ✌️. I’m looking for the jermichael

  2. I have to say that you are my go to guys when I want to know about a particular strain. I find you guys very concise and informative. Just thought I'd let you know eventually. Because I have seen a few reviewers, but they can't touch you two. Just wanted to thank you anyway.

  3. ive always thought chemdawg is one of the uglier flowers and not very pungent, loose leaves.. and then you smoke it and it tastes so damn good, not at all like it smells. im more into bag appeal or jar appeal and smell and feel. Chem's def is a nice clean way it smokes, turns almost lemony on exhale. Anyways just watching this picking up Thin MintsGSC, Willys wonder, and Acalpulco gold.. cheers

  4. sativa and indica labeling is bs. it has more to do with trichome clarity. clear=headhigh cloudy=head+body amber=straight couch lock. terp profile too plays a huge role. oh and ones endocannabanoid system. fuck it just smoke and dont expect anything other than to get high.

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