Check on YouTube
whats gooood fam !! hope you’ve all been doing well !!! you know your boiiii’s back at it with another banger !! feels good to be … Check on YouTube
Hey guys here you have another strangers try video !! I really really hope you guys enjoy watching it (: Make sure you go follow my … Check on YouTube
LMAO my uncle is crazy for trying this LOL gotta love el tio, check out his YT channel … Check on YouTube
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To be honest his flower is not that good or great like he tells. Need to Try Sugar Himp Farms if you like THC-A just saying or even better try Cookie but be ready to pay 300 an oz.
bro in the back trynna make sure he smoke every $ worth🤣🤣🤣
How is a ounce 60 dollars isn’t that like 30 grams of weed
your weed is not good bro
Shiii bouta come up of these packs 😂😂
Damn bro I live in Canada and I get quads sometimes AAAAA OUNCES FOR 60
Put me some in the mail, we cant get that shit in the uk!!! 😳💯🫡
The wannabe in the back thinking he hard 😭😭
the fuck oz are 400 buck where im from no fair 😢
Naw you shoulda give the dude in the back sum
Too. Hes smoking a roach cuh..
Was good were do I go to get my 60 oz
PGR run away guys
Send me some bro
When u gone be in Cali I would like to invest
ThcAss toss that in the trash
Homeboy in the back biting his cheek off 😂
Mrthc I need some my dude
That roach not even hittin he skitzed out 🤦🏽♂️
These must be paid actors they still ain't showing no weed smh
Im gonna order a sample pack if its fire you'll be my new plug because an OZ where im at is usually $200
Homie in da back is mad as fuck bro got da free ounce and sugar dimoanda
Bro smoking straight wraps , that ain’t no roach
Mr. THC come to Guam and hook us up😂😂love ya content gang💪💯keep it up
I will hit up.hella slumped @ mrthc as soon as I start chemo in a week
Where do I buy an oz?
They fella behind bit of a strange one 4 sure 🤔
Show the nugz!!!!!!
Go krazyyyyy
Oklahoma has $60 Oz 😊
Que Honda mi primo Luis
Those mexican brick prices. And im sure its def better than most mexican brick👌
Wea u get it from I can’t find it
Guy in the back want his money worth 😂😂
Mr THC wat up?!! Been riding with u since the very beginning!! Wats up with blessing one of ur earliest subscribers? HMU!!
Guy in the back burning his fingertips off like bling bling crack
When was the last time? Probably when DopeAsYola came out with them 🤣😂.
Love how you try to pass it off like it was your company that came up with it though 🤣
You will forever be dope
I lost why yougiveaway a donkey
Where can I find these dudes? asking for a friend
The guy in the back smoking that roach
i needa move to cali 🥲