Ice cream is only as delicious as its ingredients. Isaac meets the farmers, cows, and water buffalo that contribute to your favorite … Check on YouTube
Farideh, you are so adorable and awesome 🤩. Love your camping shows and most importantly I miss Cicely when you toast. Been away for a little while, please forgive me. Missing you, I sought out your videos. I’m a little surprised that you can’t do that anymore. I think I know. Keep on keeping on. 🥰
I’m not sure if Farideh said she’s a New Yorker, cause I’m dating one & they don’t come like that, she is way more competent, but I did notice her removing the borne from the meat to eat! That’s the only thing she failed, we the people of the soil, use the borne as handle, then we suck the juices from it before discarding.
I’m actually watching this while bbq some burgers and sausage links for hot dogs and having a cactus cooler shot before I jump in my pool in this California weather lol
I like all your shows!
Farideh, you are so adorable and awesome 🤩. Love your camping shows and most importantly I miss Cicely when you toast. Been away for a little while, please forgive me. Missing you, I sought out your videos. I’m a little surprised that you can’t do that anymore. I think I know. Keep on keeping on. 🥰
I'll try my best to take that advice at the end of the vid'
Farideh, google keeps playing rightwing ads for the United Australia Party (the anti immigration party) on your clips.
I’m not sure if Farideh said she’s a New Yorker, cause I’m dating one & they don’t come like that, she is way more competent, but I did notice her removing the borne from the meat to eat! That’s the only thing she failed, we the people of the soil, use the borne as handle, then we suck the juices from it before discarding.
The return of the great Farideh….YAAAAYY 🥰🥰
Idk if its an American thing… But I couldn't stop thinking who TF cooks pasta when camping
Farideh is literally the only reason I watch Munchies. She is the best. 🙂
this is a weird youtube channel i’ve ever found, every videos has a weird host or something and bizarre moment which making it way funnier
I can attest to that flat part especially if youve been drinking the night before
"Campground food doesn't have to be hotdogs."
You're god damn right. Last time I went camping we made congee for breakfast and pot au feau for dinner. It was lit.
This was a really Simple and Sophisticated episode! ding 😀
Simple, sophisticated, Sicily ❤️
is she OK?!!!
I want to marry her. She is gorgeous.🥰🥰🥰
She's hot .
Sooooo happy your back!!!
PBS is currently airing Rick Steves’ Europe: The Best of Sicily…
This day is ruined.
Camp Cows = Dairy Bears
That cow said fuck your internet lmfao
Damn that's an old tent!
2:01: that's what's she thinks of you.
I’m actually watching this while bbq some burgers and sausage links for hot dogs and having a cactus cooler shot before I jump in my pool in this California weather lol
Besides HAf…this video is fantastic! Thanks! Lady!!!
Faridae I beat ya I burned my house playing with my moms matches