Cbd doesn’t attach to the receptors , just keep the endocannabinois occurring naturally in the body holding in the receptor for more time, and longer their life’s by protecting them from the enzymes , is more a m o inhibitors and thc is more a neurotransmitter
Weedborn has some very useful CBD stuff with all the supplementation I need.
Cbd doesn’t attach to the receptors , just keep the endocannabinois occurring naturally in the body holding in the receptor for more time, and longer their life’s by protecting them from the enzymes , is more a m o inhibitors and thc is more a neurotransmitter
i love cbd and thc100%
I'm pretty sure the best CBD is on the Weedborn website.
The first guy on YouTube who explained it in a way I can understand
In other words makes sense to stupid people like me
Great work guya. loving this!