36 Commentaires

  1. Here in W.Tx we adore homemade tamales and my biggest joy is being invited to a birthday or Christmas/ New Years party a friend is giving where I know there will be tamales,and most of all tripas cooked on a disko outside
    .or Some great Barbacoa,lengua or a huge pot of homemade Mole on the stove! I adore the dishes of Mexico! And As a "gringa" I make a pretty mean guacamole myself!

  2. Hard working lady, but she was selling illegally. The laws are not as flexible as they are in countries like Mexico where people can make whatever and sell whatever wherever they want.

  3. Wow! I am impressed. I definitely will buy from her if I ever see her! Shame she got arrested so much, not her fault she could not do something else. She should charge more than a dollar.

  4. I love our people so much. They work harder than anybody. And I hate to see them being mistreated or taken advantage of. But they don't stop regardless. Viva Mexico! 🇲🇽💗🫔

  5. These are the Mexican "bandidos" that many of the rich White people are so afraid of. They work hard, they feed the economy. Without them, the US would be a very sad place.

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