37 Commentaires

  1. These people would most likely change their mind if they or someone they loved were suffering daily with a chronic, debilitating disease or illness that could positively and effectively be treated by the use of medical marijuana and the compounds/extracts of the Cannabis plant. Scientific research has been conducted here and abroad over the past 30 plus years proving the medicinal benefits of the Cannabis plant, it's compounds and extracts. Politicians, legislators, "alphabet" agencies, and those who have not been properly educated about the benefits of this plant should look further into the science of Cannabis. The scientific findings have proven Cannabis is a beneficial plant that can be used positively worldwide for a multitude of purposes.

  2. STEVE ZABAWA from montana needs to be on here.

    we passed the medical pot law….hes son didnt get a job at a dispensary…. so now this used car salesman has been using little kids to get votes (illegal) and saying they are FOR pot (illegal)….and he used the montana state seal with out permission….

    he wants to get rid of it completely….only because his stoner son wasnt given a job.

    how dare you say no to steve….part of rim rock auto….which owns rim rock grocery, rim rock gas, rim rock restaurants, ETC….fucking monopoly…

    "i have power….im bald…vote for my bill while i lie to your face!"

    he had something like 8000 signatures for "no pot" that were ruled in-valid because of how he used kids.

  3. no matter what they say or do, we MUST NEVER stoop to their level. We will face persecution, even death, for what we believe in…we are true Americans, now Nancy Grace can go take her Prozac and the enjoy those spirits, they MUST be drunk.
    If I died today I would be ok with that because the work my team has put in over the years will supply MANY with the all natural medication they need for the future…we are 710 BREEDS.

  4. Fuck these people. I guarantee none of these poeple have ever been high, and if someone with no experience with something is telling people who have experience with something what to do, how does that give them the right to speak on it? he said she said?

  5. Mel Sembler and Straight inc and tough love treatment centers are a cancer.What about the fucker who monopolize and take advantage of the sick in the market.20 Plus years since hr 215 and we still at 20 a gram in some areas.we should be calling out the uncle toms of the cannabis movement.Fuck em ,Drug war pow 1988-1990.

  6. I wish that for just one day these people could experience the pain I go through everyday and how much marijuana helps me function. With this plant, I am able to stay out of hospital and have a life.

    I wonder what would happen if one of their family members could be helped by marijuana? Would they be so quick to criticize? I think not.

  7. that's every politician ever in sweden on legalization of weed sadly, I fucking hate this country, ah and an example of this, 2 guys growing 100 weed plants gets about 5-10 years in jail While someone Who brutally rapes a child gets 2,5 years and comes out after 1,5 year for "good behaviour" Seriousley FUCK SWEDEN

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