44 Commentaires

  1. nice broken down stem on the rubber grommet tube. and… if your tube has a rubber grommet make sure its air tight and its as good as any. people are vain and if they are not using the best or top of the line they demean anything else. this is especially common of the left coast.

  2. Question for yah involving bowl size. My piece has a male 14mm stem I broke my bowl and I'm totally lost as to what size replacement bowl to get. Would it be a 14mm female or 18mm female?

  3. Hey Josh!
    what's up bro??
    Love your vids..
    Just out of curiosity, and me wanting a professional smoker's opinion.
    Which Bong is the best bong? , which Perc is the best perc? performance wise!
    like which bong would rip like a monster, and yet still deliver the smoothest hit you've ever had..you know what I mean?? haha
    All while being at a reasonable price….
    I'm from TX man, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with prices but..Bongs are SUUUUPER expensive here.

    Example. a few months back I bought a piece from a local smoke shop. it was a double fritted disc perc attached to a double honeycomb ash catcher.
    I spent a total of $270…the bong is a beast, and it makes a BADASS rig. but cleaning it is such a damn chore!!!!!!
    I'm looking to buy a new piece. but i'm not sure if I want to break the bank again haha..
    I'm just wondering which bong provides the most bang for your buck?!?!
    and isn't such a bitch to clean.
    a response would be appreciated!!

    P.S. also just out of curiosity….Which kind of bong is your personal favorite, and why???

  4. So on your thought Josh . what size should a dab rig be ? some of my friends are all about big bongs and some are dihard tiny rig hitters . im impartial to a medium sized dabrig . What about you?

  5. Would be cool to see learn the science behind recycler pieces. I recently picked up a rig with 2 percs and a recycler and I will get blazed and just stare at it to try and understand why/how the water flows the way it does.

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