In this episode of My Life Online, we meet Crackhead Barney, the incendiary influencer and host of the internet show ‘Crackhead … Check on YouTube
25 Commentaires
WATCH MORE: From Medellin’s elite clubbers to the cartel queens that run the underworld, all of a sudden everyone in Colombia seems to be snorting pink “cocaine". –
.. it is heartening and fairly rare to see a reporter refraining from catastrophizing, as this level-headed lady is doing. It's good that we have a few grown-ups left in our world.
Love this girl. God whata cutie☺️☺️☺️ The amount of cigs these guys smoke is 10x worse than any of the drugs. Im 46, not a big raver, kind of a homebody these days, but the trick is i gym as hard as i party. Im prob in between the last 2 guys on the table.
These old men are the same kind of dudes you see in the Philippines molesting underage prostitutes. I once saw a video on some site of an old guy screwing this really young Filipino girl and they had the camera in her face. She did not look like she wanted to be there at all. I honestly don't even know how he started much less kept going with the girl looking horrified as she did. Just awful man. There are women who choose and apparently enjoy the money a lot and don't mind having sex with strangers. Those are the women these guys need to seek out not scared barely legal or not girls.
1 John 2 (KJV) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹⁶ For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. ¹⁷ And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
WATCH MORE: From Medellin’s elite clubbers to the cartel queens that run the underworld, all of a sudden everyone in Colombia seems to be snorting pink “cocaine". –
Por favor coloquem legendas em português
If you're getting mashed at 80 you're a legend and problematic is irrelevant.
.. it is heartening and fairly rare to see a reporter refraining from catastrophizing, as this level-headed lady is doing. It's good that we have a few grown-ups left in our world.
What a great report. Bravo.
Slurms mc Kenzie comes to mind.
Vocal fry
Dave broke my heart tbh
Garry seems awesome
Are they speaking english?
Shes really plastic like barbie😅
16:25 – ‘Dave didn’t turn up because he had a massive party last night’ 😂😂😂
No your wrong should have stoped 42 years ago and she's about 8 years past her time lol…
😂😂😂 not gonna lie that mfer Tommy seems fun to party with even without doin drugs
You can take the boy out of the rave but you can’t take the rave out of the boy.
So sad…
That grandma at the rave is not always having a good time, that's the part you don't understand. She only has that. See the rest of her life
Love this girl. God whata cutie☺️☺️☺️
The amount of cigs these guys smoke is 10x worse than any of the drugs.
Im 46, not a big raver, kind of a homebody these days, but the trick is i gym as hard as i party. Im prob in between the last 2 guys on the table.
Love the Axe through the TV Prop 😂he must be a loon maaan hahahah, it’s a prop from the show Bottom ……
These old men are the same kind of dudes you see in the Philippines molesting underage prostitutes. I once saw a video on some site of an old guy screwing this really young Filipino girl and they had the camera in her face. She did not look like she wanted to be there at all. I honestly don't even know how he started much less kept going with the girl looking horrified as she did. Just awful man. There are women who choose and apparently enjoy the money a lot and don't mind having sex with strangers. Those are the women these guys need to seek out not scared barely legal or not girls.
1 John 2 (KJV)
¹⁶ For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
¹⁷ And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Al fine encontre el canal radial de esta revista ecos del caguan
I just seem to naturally run out rave steam at about 37. . . Although I had my last clinical detox at 46.
More power to them.
Thank God for Punk,Oi and Ska….proper music associated with authentic sub-cultures.NOT THIS