35 Commentaires

  1. I am not one to shy from a fatty boomblatty, but goddamn that's a big ass joint. That's the sort of shit you smoke before playing Skyrim nude with the AC on full blast for 18 hours straight while also jotting down story ideas that are more indecipherable than drunken Kandarian.

  2. Never been high in my life, but hey if it's good enough for Bruce, I'm willing to give it a try. But I don't know anybody around here where I can get it, so I'll have to drive somewhere far away I guess. Makes me wish I knew some potheads. Or whatever they're called these days.

  3. Another reason why Bruce Campbell is the king. He's not afraid to be pro marijuana. Weed is natural, non toxic, anti cancer, and has many health benefits. Alcohol is toxic, and causes all sorts of diseases including cancer.

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