Fermín Núñez from Suerte in Austin, TX is in the MUNCHIES Test Kitchen making spicy pork tamales. He braises pork shoulder in … Check on YouTube
45 Commentaires
That lady said "I PASSED BY EVERY DAY AFTER GYM BUT I SAW THE MICHELIN IN THE WINDOW SO I CAME IN" So if it wasn't for the Michelin nod of approval she would never walked in. That irritated me for some reason
Scary to see this "business as usual" vibe at Hong Kong, there were so many issues lately that it feels propagandistic :/ Coming from Vice, I'm disappointed.
This is legit my favourite food series right now. These street food icons are the heart and soul of their communities. Nothing but love for their hustle.
HK Tourism…LOL! Who's gonna go there when China can nab you right at the airport! Gonna miss HK and my cousins! The only way to visit HK is when CCP is dead.
Great video but one unrelated question – why is the Hong Kong tourism board sponsoring anything at this point when everyone travelling there has to spend $1000+ to spend 7 days in a hotel room?
For the ones who reads this just know this is only the beginning keep pushing, grinding, and fighting. Whatever it is in life you want to do to go after it life is to short. Life is a marathon not a sprint so go out there and live it up I hope all is well and goes well for you peace and one love.
The comments about dog eating are just dumb and disappointing lol. For one, it’s explained the noodles are named for their shape. Secondly, Hong Kong does not, and to my knowledge never has had a dog eating culture. Casual racism is just so disappointing.
That lady said "I PASSED BY EVERY DAY AFTER GYM BUT I SAW THE MICHELIN IN THE WINDOW SO I CAME IN" So if it wasn't for the Michelin nod of approval she would never walked in. That irritated me for some reason
finally know what this song was talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM-Ukh0LhTc
Is it same with lao shu fen?
Guys…let's cut the crap about the Chinese eating dogs.
They don't eat dogs. They eat bats.
I think we all know this.
Your doggie noodles looks similar to our lomi noodles here in Philippines the difference we use long noodles.
Dog food?
This chef needs a Chef’s Night Out. Please Munchies!
Is everyone the king and queen of every single god damned food here? You need some new titles lmao
i see.
fuck i miss eating in hong kong. literally 5 meals a day when I was there.
More street food content please!
I'm sorry, don't mean to offend, but that looks gross… Especially whatever that was he was strliering in that big pot. 😦
Shark fin harvesting is barbaric. Shame on Munchies.
Shoulda used the NYPD song 18座
Vice of all people teaming up with the HK tourist board? Shameful.
فيديو رائع جدا ومميز بالتوفيق
Scary to see this "business as usual" vibe at Hong Kong, there were so many issues lately that it feels propagandistic :/ Coming from Vice, I'm disappointed.
Hong Kong tourism board? So is this a Chinese sponsored video or Hong Kong?
nah we dont rock with anything from the Chinese government ever and the fact they allowed this means they censored it so yea this is L video.
he talks so fast im tryin to read the captions like 😵💫
This is legit my favourite food series right now. These street food icons are the heart and soul of their communities. Nothing but love for their hustle.
These comments are so fucked up. Y'all need to stop this bs. Anyway, happy for this man and his success. I hope he's still alive and doing well.
HK Tourism…LOL! Who's gonna go there when China can nab you right at the airport! Gonna miss HK and my cousins! The only way to visit HK is when CCP is dead.
I have to try this whenever I get to travel to HKG (if the C.P.C. hasn't turned it into a shithole by then) again!
And I'm glad his relationship with his now wife has become strong.
his friends the real one
this guy's life has got to become a movie
Don't be racist, guys. He literally explains the etymology at the beginning of the video
lots of predatory white men in hk nowadays
How do the noodles not get mushy after 45 min cook time?
As an Asian American living in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 past decade, I have to give this guy props for bringing joy to people with his food. 🚀
Great video but one unrelated question – why is the Hong Kong tourism board sponsoring anything at this point when everyone travelling there has to spend $1000+ to spend 7 days in a hotel room?
i love how his origin story is “I’m Going to Cook if i want to… DAD…”
Pity it's in china.
For the ones who reads this just know this is only the beginning keep pushing, grinding, and fighting. Whatever it is in life you want to do to go after it life is to short. Life is a marathon not a sprint so go out there and live it up I hope all is well and goes well for you peace and one love.
really good vid, great vibes and questions
Who's dong?
Doggie's Noodles. Title Doggy Noodle…. What's wrong with the uploader… You know their are lots low IQ racist in the comment section Vice….
The comments about dog eating are just dumb and disappointing lol. For one, it’s explained the noodles are named for their shape. Secondly, Hong Kong does not, and to my knowledge never has had a dog eating culture. Casual racism is just so disappointing.
N.Y.P.D brought me here…
b4 1000 views
I know some people that live in Hongkong