46 Commentaires

  1. She said she thought she was a bad person. Just like to say we are all bad people that's the fundamental of the gospel. It's only threw Jesus paying our debt that we are saved. I hope the Catholic church sort this problem out no one is called to not be married or into celibacy there just creating monsters 😢.

  2. I'm sure it's not just the "Catholic" or "it's just Japan", but the entire world of the religious cults in general. People are extremely vulnerable to sweet tales about salvation and blessing, doing whatever they are told to do. The government must step in and control all churches, cults, etc and prosecute any power abuses to the utmost justice. Not just "yes it was a long time ago and not true", "they wanted it, and what am I, the God is my judge".

  3. And to think for all these years with so many abuses with the priests the grand CEO of all, the God himself watched and did nothing to stop and even in His House of Worship. People need to stop worshiping this fairytale of a God…

  4. Dolphin meat is poisoning Japanese consumers and the Japanese government it lying about it, and across multiple ministries. Victims are hidden from Japan but they are getting chelation treatment at clinics across Japan because they are sick from heavy metals. Do THAT story. We already did the research. The Japan government is lying to endanger its own people >>> https://youtu.be/DTBkiaJk6nk

  5. none of us (or just the least people) will understand what this woman is goin thru. i am very glad she keeps fighting and standing up for justice!
    i wish her all the best fr. i hope she will feel the real love of jesus/god. shes so strong, she deserves to finally live a better life. big love from overseas!!
    may god bless her, her family and everyone reading this.

  6. Can vice asia cover the abused and political intervention of Philippine Catholic Church?one of the most toxic and poisonous religion in the country.a collaborator with the communist rebels.doesn't condemned the sexual abused of their priest.a religion full of hypocrisy

  7. Every church should have medically trained personnel to be able to use a rape test kit and be authorized to send to a proper lab. Saves time. Too much of this has been going on.

  8. Autonumita "biserica catolica" nu este o biserica. Este doar o secta care a dat nastere altor secte si papa este eretic si schismatic. Papa este in realitate un sef politico-militar. Cine nu intelege, nu este capabil sa gandeasca. La inceput a fost o singura biserica crestina, care s-a pastrat de 2000 de ani si astazi se numeste biserica ortodoxa. Biserica catolica are 1.000 de ani. Deci este o secta infiintata la 1000 de ani departare de Hristos. Astazi in lume sunt 40.000 de secte care isi spun "biserici crestine". Toate sunt desprinse din protestanti care sunt tot secta si care s-au desprins din catolici.

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