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I should have stressed that there are still reports to this day that claim the UK produces more medical flower than anywhere else in the world. To that I say please just think critically here. How would it be possible for 4 farms in the UK to out produce tens of thousands of medical farms in Canada… like fr how? It is just not possible 😂
Also I should say in every report, America is not included. As it’s not federally legal.
this definitely rings a bell, didn't realise it was that long ago, but Sativex was one thing the UK were producing, at the time it was prescribed for MS.
It was a good first step which was late in arrival
We supplied/supply 49% of the world supposedly and that was “fact” a few years back. And we probably still do now.. you or I have no idea unless your dads an ex PM if so I apologise. We only know what they want us to know. We most definitely smoke our govs supply you must be seriously dense in the brain department if you think the government is overlooking a multimillion £ daily industry, in its own country…
The high asf DanTDM
Intresting youtube deleted my coment. Skunkman took the genetics to the uk in 1997 to gw. They been growing since then. Main strain the very strain they were funding campains against skunk#1. The dea were linked into this. The radio broadcast on holland blew the lid in it
Is it ok if I call you mommy ❤
Its no where close to it 😂even i know this and i live in canada if u wanna talk bout biggest growers its gonna be either guys in amsterdam or the guys who run the company who are the number 1 land race company for weed
Drew I like thc weed like Cali hate medical
Because of the land mass used and yes the uk does produce more medical cannabis then any other country and that’s still the case…. Key word is medical… if we are just talking about cannabis production then Canada Amsterdam and America would produce way more
I mean I do hope they do legalize it to the extent when it was legalized here in the golden state of cali eliminated the bullshit class a possession but dude the cartels literally have shut down national parks under government control all I’m saying is I don’t want the same situation there but at the same time I know UK natives wouldn’t be that brazen
Where is the farms and where is my balaclava 😂😂😂😂
Got 6 farms in my Canadian town
Yeah, people of blowing smoke up their own ass down there. It's funny I'm glad you're telling the truth good man
Well I mean there is a way but the farms would have to be huge and stupidly high tech
drew ur a OG now.
I dont smoke weed and i just love watching your videos about weed its somewhat relaxing
Yh I wasnt sure if we still was but what you say does seem to make sense but i like to believe we are and thats y we should just legalise it but then i make some weird comparisons ive been toldni cant make so i wont nake them on youtube lol
Think how big the emerald triangle is and look at the United kingdom . Emerald triangle is in northern California where the economy pretty much solely thrives from cannabis cultivation "illegal". For many decades some of the best cannabis has been known to have been grown here producing many of the strains known today . Look it up it's quite interesting.
Bruh Germany produces the most
and most people when they say it mean out of legal exports . not illegal which is harder to track as no one knows where it acc comes from unless your linked directly with the grower
aint the quantity its the quality which we have a better standard of medical grade. most of the cali stuff in the uk is fake anyone can buy the bags online and chuck badly grown uk bud in a bag, or uk grown cali seeds which is still just uk weed as we have a different climate, where are your trips out there to acc try it the other side of the pond.cali aint all that there are other places that have being doing it longer and still do it better even than us. just sick of hearing cap about cali grade constantly
You say canada but i think the US has to have them beat in terms of quantity, no?
Just 4 farms? There’s 3 near me in East Yorkshire so I’m sure there not 3/4 of all production
We all know Canada is the bud capital of the world
The US does not export
California medical patient 👋
Thanks for clearing that up.. Maybe it was true back in 2018, even then found it hard to believe.
Why can't the UK learn to grow it's own high grade medical bud? If not, let patients grow their own.❤
It was true.
I'd like to point out Canada's market is both recreational and medical.
Don't know if there's some hidden cannabis medical center or something I don't know about.
bro continue skating not being a paid stoner
So the government can make money off cannabis but I can’t.. then they wonder why nobody trusts the government
The government are probably getting funding for it , which on paper makes them look like the biggest producers in the world but spending the money on other stuff , like holiday homes , imagration ect
Drew there is a lot more growing here than u know about. Legally.
😂r u Jokin' #LB #JokesUp UK is the #Biggest #Producer, but this is why, by #Volume and £ #Profits is Number 1 in the #World says #WallStreetJournal December 2023
no even fucking close 😂
More like biggest importer
Because Canada’s 4 biggest farms are in England 🤔
Probs more bud made in 1 state in the US than in the UK
Back inside early 1989-1990's it was in British press that some firms in the uk firms were growing for USA medical weed, we were also told saffron Walden farms are doing experiments for UK weed products for smoking, they produce weed for paper industry, we were also told that the government were definitely going to legalise it, but obviously someone rich has been, and is importing weed, the rich xxxx'x seems to swayed the the government away from legalisation coz they would loose their personal millions, if you can find recordings of Dope Night on channel 4, showed British American tobaccos, mock up of packaging for soon to be legal weed here at home in the uk, im sick bro 34 years later soul Captives still ain't free, 😢
shhh. it makes pointing out governmental hypocrisy easier Drew. the more bullshit we have against them the more it backs them into a corner
Lots of uk owned farms overseas