32 Commentaires

  1. I just got a 2 chamber bong from a friend that looked like it had never been cleaned. The slide carb was glued to the bong with resin and the first chamber was black. After a 24hr soak in oxy, its at least 50% better. This method works great. Gonna do a second soak, possibly a 3rd and it should all be gone.

  2. Have you ever used acetone? It's nail polish remover (well, the strongest form of nail polish remover) and is the best thing I've ever seen for cleaning a bong. No salt needed. No soaking needed. Not even that much acetone needed honestly. Just make sure you do it in a ventilated area and you will have super clean glass for cheap money.

  3. A problem I see is that if is not 100% clean, the use of this technique, on the long run, may hurt the body since the residue of the cleaner left on the bong might get into the lungs and, after some years of accumulated oxyclean in the longs, something might happen

  4. I watched this and then cleaned one for a friend. It was BLACK with gunk and oxy clean made it look pretty much new. I was amazed! For a final clean up, I put white rice and some water in and shook up. Wow!!! Wish I had taken before and after pictures.

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