32 Commentaires

  1. I’ve never given my dogs any worming medicine. Now one is constantly wiping his butt on the ground and someone told me that was because he had worms. What can I give him or do I need to take him to the vet. Thank you.

  2. The steorol solution…. wary of steroids but had been prescibed small amount in inhaler. I decided to quit because i wasnt that bad ( lungs) and some withdrawal type symptoms and of course reversal of effectiveness. Curious about natural form..not for me ….ni but for itchy dog

  3. Thank You so much you are truly AMAZING.
    GOD BLESS YOU 💕💕💕😻🙏🐈🐾💕💕💕
    How much per dose and how often can I give Colloidal Silver to my 6 month old, 2.4lb kitten
    She's got her second respiratory infection in less the 2 months. Been to vet, on prescribed meds but nothing is working. I would really appreciate your help?
    Thank You 🐾💕

  4. How do I treat my puppy of e-coli? Shes had it 4 times already. Poor thing. I read small amounts of garlic can help? Any help is much appreciated I hate that I've had to give her antibiotics so many times and shes only 11 months old.

  5. I cant tell you how much I appreciate these videos. I know a lot of people do. Especially people that cant afford costly vet trips for non-emergency issues, while also educating pet owners to care for their pets in a healthier way. Thank you so much for all your hard work ❤️🐾🐶🐱

  6. Colloidal silver ROCKS! I have been using colloidal silver for years on myself, my pets and livestock. IT WORKS! My cat Mini Panther, is a bada$$. He and his brother kick all other unwanted critters off our rural property. They even gang up on raccoons like bouncers at the club.🤣 I discovered an abcess on my cats head that was so big that it was swelling his eye shut. He had a scratch in front of his ear and by the time I discovered it, the abcess was about the size of the palm of my hand. OF COURSE….it was Sunday…cuz stuff always happens when you can't get to the vet! 🤣 I picked the scab off, squeezed out the puss and sprayed it. (my colliodal silver is in a spray bottle) I kept it open, sprayed it a couple times per day and kept making sure the puss was squeezed out. I wasnt even that dilligent about it. I just did it when I remembered. THERE WASNT EVEN A SCAB LEFT AFTER 7 DAYS!

    There is a reason ancient civilizations kept their food and drink in silver vessels. They knew that silver was antimicrobial (copper too). If you do a little research, you can find the explanation about how the silver molecularly destroys viruses, bacteria, and some fungi. I have used it topically and internally (It reacts with acid. Must be ingested on an empty stomach), and as a nasal spray. I CURED (as in…never came back) an infection in my own mouth by using it as a mouthwash. I even tried it in my diffuser for a resporatory infection. I have not had "the Rona" yet and have been curious how it would work on that. Hmmm….?

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