41 Commentaires

  1. Filtering method is important for yield considerations. Filtering through the cheese cloths works to separate the water from mix but a lot of the butter clings to the pot and cheese cloth. When I filter I only get 25% of the butter. Then I really work hard at squeezing that cheese cloth and pot and get another 50%. Point being there is more butter in the cheese cloth and pot then there is in the bowl after filtering. After serious wringing 8 oz butter yielded 6+ oz of Cannabutter. Thinking of getting a manual orange squeezer to see if I can improve the yield. But if feels like about 20% of the butter goes into the trash with the left over lump of pot and down the drain when I wash out the cloth.
    Next time I may skip the cloth and filter through a strainer then put the wet pot into the orange squeezer to get out more of the liquid. Any ideas about this?

  2. a better technique with full instruction:

    grind down your flower and place it on a pan with tin foil, or directly in the center of a piece of tin foil with the foil folded completely around the flower.

    you want the layer to be somewhat thin and evenly spread out, so move to the tin foil lined pan method if you can.
    bake this in the oven at 240 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until you see browning, but not burning.

    next, boil the water as usual and add your butter, let it melt, then add your decarb flower to the pot and simmer for 3 hours (alternatively you can boil for an hour and a half, but I'm no researcher and I'm not sure how that will affect the potency other than with my intuition.)

    final steps:
    set aside a container with a fine straining method to make sure you remove the most flower, then pour the contents of the pot into the strainer.


    let the bowl with your butter cool down until the butter is solid enough to be removed from the bowl. excess water may cause mold if you don't remove it.

  3. Anybody who can please read and please help me! I'm so alone. I am disabled and I'm just going to go ahead and put this out here it's already embarrassing. I'm about to get my medical marijuana card I live in Florida. Truth be told, I am poor I'm willing to answer any questions to verify myself if anybody could help me to get my medication after getting my card or what I need to smoke it out of, even money for groceries or to help me with my teeth would be appreciated I'm really in a bad spot. I really need this medicine. Please help if you can and if you can't just sign up for cash app and use my handle and send anybody somebody will both get $5 free and it helps to the cash app handle is $RachelGuru well that is sufficiently embarrassing but there we go also the code to just get the $5 by using the app is PKBBRQC thank you all for helping and anybody who does I will be happy to help and shout out. This is not a joke… Unfortunately this is real life.

  4. Should she add that cannabis while the water is still boiling? Isn't that heat too high? Wouldn't it result in burning off some of the THC before it cooled down to the proper temp?

  5. Is there a version/method of making cannabutter or infused cannabis oil (w/ coconut oil) that needs less product? Seriously, do you guys realize how expensive the medical grade stuff is? Half an ounce is about $120 for me at my dispensary. I'm disabled so my only income is an SSI check once a month. That's not a lot of money at all. And I don't grow at home. I wouldn't know how to get started or how much money it would take to start that up. So how do I get enough to make some effective cannabutter or infused oil OR which method can I use that will allow me to infuse less product and still have an effective butter/oil?

  6. I used this technique with a 18 grams of vaped weed & 2 sticks of butter. It came out pretty good after washing the butter a couple of times. Honestly the dubl boiler system seems to produce better butter to me.

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