43 Commentaires

  1. I instantly like you guys so much more after hearing what kinda music you like haha. Big Krit and UGK are great, not a lot of people are about listening to southern rappers anymore.

  2. So jealous of you guys in America. Down here in Australia its still illegal and even then when you have your own dealers, more often then not you get different weed everytime so its sucks. not only that all weed here tastes like shit, but they still do the job and get you medicated.

    Things are looking up; Victoria, Australia is the first place in Australia that has allowed for medical marajuana but of course its strictly monitored. But hopefully its not too long before we start seeing dispensaries.

  3. It's sad that there's so little content from you guys, you are the only people on youtube talking about cannabis that I would show to people without being embarassed… All these other fucks are just sad. I hope you come back again with semi regular uploads… I mean there were a lot of people wanting to do shows for this channel it seemed.

  4. Hey I'm new to this YouTube stuff! Show some love and check out my new channel! Videos uploaded almost daily. Like and subscribe to see more fat dabs and cool edits!

  5. Love your videos! I'm also from the bay area and love hip hop! I lived in Denver for 2 years they don't make that much music anymore but you guys should check out Team Latchkey they're from Denver and make some good ass hip hop. Keep the videos going they're awesome! Peace!

  6. Used to go to high school w these kids, glad they're still doing what makes them happy. The cruz misses you guys, as well. Good on them for not ever featuring "Toph" the Snitch Informant in their videos.

  7. i've been so busy, semi- frustrated with free time(lack of)
    wakenbakes are always something i can kick back to. thanks for puttin out the chill vibes in your content

  8. do you guys not forsee more advanced grows that use less energy i.e light dep / greenhouse grows ..from what i have seen in the states. you guys seem to have big grows which i am all for..but the power used to grow inside these huge facilities seems a bit ott..i would love more hoop house/ outdoor grows taken place and hope we as the future farmers can leave less of a carbon footprint .

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