47 Commentaires

  1. Hey @straincentral .. could you do a so called "bit" on one of your vlogs about your perception upon the process or even chances of marijuana becoming legal here in California please and thank you … I would really love to hear what you think about this dilemna

  2. Hey josh, I really dont know what video to ask this but i have been going back and forth between the positives and negatives of smoking cannabis, i have heard that the smoke has 50 to 70 percent more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. Is this true??

  3. took your advice and fixed up my room. seeing it made my mum fix up her room getting a redecorate vibe going its amazing what you can do when you get up and do something

  4. I think that cannabis has nothing to do with the start of an opiate addiction, several of my friends including me where addicted to opiates at different points legal or not. Other than the stereotype that "weed is a gateway drug" it doesnt really affect peoples decision to take some hydro, I will say however, that cannabis most definitely can help people get off of opiates! If anyone reading this is having problems with opiate addiction or knows somebody that is, smoke/smoke them a bowl of sativa and a bowl of indica and if they arent too far gone it should have an affect similar to an opiate high but just barely enough for them to not need to pop another pill. This is out of personal experience with myself and as I said several of my friends got off of opiates from this method, good luck!

  5. I stopped taking many of my medications and have been doing extremely well. I used to take shit for Parkinson's for my restless leg syndrome, a prescription strength of ibuprofen for joint and leg pain, ambien for insomnia. I had to add xanex cause no amount of cannabis will help my anxiety. And I still take ambien sometimes cause there's still many days I still cannot sleep even with cannabis. But I feel so much better that I don't have to ingest so many chemicals and shit in medicines. Funny thing is my parents own a pharmacy and well known pharmacists in my city. So I only was used to Big pharmas perspective on medicine. And I still think pharmaceuticals help a lot of people. Cannabis doesn't cure everything. There's still people who need pharmaceuticals like me.

  6. Hey I'm New Here I smoke 💨 lmao And My friends face me. edibles I felt Different Is Weed Not a powerful or? And great Video Keep up the Good Work 😂 if u have done a Video on what I'm asking Please Give me a Link..

  7. Jeff Sessions can overturn all the progress we have made by himself. There's no law or bill saying not to enforce the federal laws, there's only a memo written by the Obama administration that was given to his AG and it told them to not use federal resources to enforce Cannabis laws. The new AG is in his power to not follow the instructions of that memo and to enforce federal laws.

    thumbs this up so Josh can see.

  8. Cannabis is regulated and legalized under the Colorado constitution. Under the federal constitution states rights are specifically defined, in this case the Colorado constitution will superseded federal laws, supported by the federal constitution. Go ahead Trump and Sessions try to crack down on recreational cannabis in Colorado, you will loose in federal court and set precedent for other court cases, other states will have a federal court case to site precedent to legally regulate cannabis on a state to state basis. The cannabis industry in Colorado is backed by the Colorado government and has plenty of money to hire lawyers, bring it on ass holes. We may not like Trump's SCOTUS nomination but at least Gorsuch is constitutionally conservative, go ahead Sessions try to crack down on recreational cannabis!

  9. "What is responsible for the opiate epidemic in america right now?" Cannabis being illegal.. So why continue to spread propaganda? Pot heads don't get in line, prescription drug users, alcoholics, etc are far easier to control.

  10. I'm in Orange Texas just found this channel and love it .I think the government should let the people vote if cannabis should be leagle or not. I been smoking for years the only thing that helps my seizures and when it's the government's life and not mine on the line then I will follow law keep up the great work weedtubers love the channel

  11. Silly Josh, those aren't "lies", just more Alternative Facts, or alt-facts, as my friends down at the local book-burning meetup described. 🙂 His Majesty Donaldo Drumpf the Orange knows what's good, man.

    Seriously, though, is anyone surprised? Have people looked at his hardline conservative royal court? Only two of them even accept that medical cannabis is actually medicinal.

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