25 Commentaires

  1. That is 100% a thrip you should also see shiny silver spots on the leaf's of where they ate and chewed on the leaf they can be a issue if not dealt with they will multiply quickly Captin Jacks Dead bug brew will get rid of them just follow directions on the bottle its also realy cheap under $10 a bottle at menards and home depot if yall are in the states

  2. Definitely a thrip, well at least a thrip larva! Burn it to the ground!!! For real check out Kopper for some amazing predictor mite, (ulti-mites) been using them for time. They work great. Like having your own little army!

  3. I just had an infestation in my grow. Unfortunately I was deep into flower which limited what I could use as treatment. Neem will work in veg, same with Captain jacks, Diatomaceous on the soil, predatory pests like lady bugs or minute pirates etc. I ended up going with Dr.Zymes foliar spray/soil treatment and it worked really well. It's food grade, organic, residue free and can be used up until the day of harvest. It's good for most other mites, thrips, aphids, and gnats as well.

  4. Tbsp ofTea tree and tbsp of peppermint castile soap.. 3 oz of alcohol and oz of h2o2 in a gallon sprayer….Spray while lights off. Works for all pests…..spray plant well and spray top of soil well

  5. I had a huge spider on one of my outdoor he webbed up a bunch and I started pulling the web and it dropped down like wtf. He was huge his butt was size of golfball shocked hell out of me damn bugs stay off or plants

  6. This is 100% a thrip. Species is unknown. Thrips are very hard to be i.d. I can recommend many different biocontrols and knock down sprays that will help you be bug free. Current Ipm manager with lots of experience. Please don't hesitate to follow through and give a update on what has been done so far. Since this was uploaded a week ago.

  7. Thrips! catch a lady bug and put it on the leaf the ladybug will see it and head straight for it then she will hunt any eggs 🥚 too,do not leave untreated!

  8. You're going to want to spray wettable sulfur at sundown and then come back in at sun rise and foliar again (I used pure crop 1) to remove the sulfur residue/buildup as it can cause leaf mutations. thrips are pretty easy to manage.

  9. I use lady bugs for thrips, Loose about 5 per indoor plant. My IPM also includes hypoaspis miles mites, nematodes, sticky traps, TriFecta & neem oil, sand on top soil and an ultrasonic emitter. I also clean the tent weekly with an organic rosemary/vinegar cleaner. And put flea/tick treatment on animals never know what they pick up. I spray my cats with Trifecta too its literally the same as pet store alternative without synthetic chems!

  10. SNS 203 follow directions. I use it as a preventative measure. I use soil right out of backyard and drench with sns 203 once or twice and grow with it inside. If you ever grew in soil from yard you would know that it has a lot of bugs. I do not have bugs in tent. I will foller spray sns 203 in veg. for preventative measures. Money I save on soil is more than cost on sns 203 which goes a long way.

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