28 Commentaires

  1. I have some 1 month old seedlings that may have mites 🥺since they are young, can I save them and how? Do you have a vid on actually treating them perhaps with neem and how to use it properly when you have a very young plant or is it too late? (outdoor grow)

  2. That’s not russet mite damage. Or not the kind of damage I’ve seen in 100+ cases, as I consult for people with everything growing and especially ipm. It’s more of a curling up from the leaf margin. You can’t see russet mites with the naked eye.
    And eagle 20 is a systemic for fungi, you wouldn’t ever use it for pests, and I hope nobody ever used it for a combustible. And it does appear you are majorly potassium deficient, which is the most common I see in flower. Im sorry to sound like a hater or all negative but you didn’t give any solutions for them you basically just said it’s too late. You didn’t mention they stay alive on plants after harvest so you need to dunk russet infested bud at harvest to kill them or they will continue to eat your plants. It seemed like just a plug for bug blaster which didn’t even have a label showing what’s in it, yet it claims to kill all bugs. There is one sure way to get rid of russets and you didn’t mention it. Again I respect Kushman and the hustle but at least give people the correct information.

  3. Pop up tent and a portable AC , cold shock the little fuckers, get it down to 50o for 3-4 and they loosen up, the female of the species will burrow as deep as she can and the army will run for the dirt,
    day two at 50 wrap a coating of vaseline mixed with mint oil around the base of the main stalk and an inch up from the pit on each branch , mainly the larger branches and stalk, at steady 50o bought 4 days treatment.
    day 3 preparation for the flood:
    INCREASE DRAINAGE- you want the water to flow around the pot and the roots. A trash bag will work up to a 50 gallon pot, wrap the bag up around the base of your pod leaving room for a garden hose tape the bag low as possible to the dirt, Irritating the surface before god floods their happy little bastards home will help mix the dirt thoroughly . Warm water is key to helping reduce shock too the roots. Next get some Asprin 1 per gallon of water , the sylic/sisylic…. the acids repair the plants cell structure . Now a subwoofer and some deep low bass e war drum musics to vibrate their bastard souls (and the substrate) back to hell.
    RELEASE THE KRAK…. oh .. the diatomaceous earth.. as much as you want. But not so thick that your pod becomes a brick? Evenly it into the end of your hose for direct injection into your new Death camp. Turn on the water and fill to timg inside the bag. Remove hose and slosh the pod. You have around two hrs before you suffocate root matter. Takes an hr to drown them, so I gave them 3hrs before draining, upside down pallets full of pea gravel worked good . Note:(place pod on gravel before flooding. . Now for some science. The warm water will agitate the hell out of them, get them spread and moving away from the roots. As the time passes the water will cool back to tent/room temp. The cold water will weaken them even more than the lack of air.

    The Enemy is strong! Their eggs build an instantaneous resistance to anything and every thing you hit them with , so change often between at least 4 different bug killers, but soft….. susceptible to temperature, and pressure

  4. I had hemp russet mites last year run my greenhouse. After lots of investigation I started to use powdered sulfur both folier and in a puffer sprayer. You can treat them once a month, up until buds are forming. Then for good measure I order beneficial insects and begin an application during bloom time.

  5. So less likely for indoor grows? I'm only on my 3rd indoor grow, and this one is a big boy for me. Should I use Perventative treatment? Is it necessary for indoor grows?

    Oh you Jack and 24k seeds are incredible 👏 😍 🙌

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