This will be the final episode with this setup, ep.8 will be at the new spot! Lots of content on the way – If you guys have voice memos for next week send em to realonesshane at gmail/com. Thanks for the support guys! Stay tuned!
Funny story … my friends were playing in the Chicago suburbs and often played shows with this band who were pretty cool but I thought the lead singer was overdramatic. One of these shows was the closest I have ever came to getting arrested for weed as well. That band's name? Fall Out Boy. They got big in the area don't get me wrong, but it also showed there is a huge element of luck involved to make it huge.
indoctrination is the topic. It may be apart of psychological warfare,when playing war games. the children who are playing. are taught tactics..there are flight simulations for pilots. Why would a war game not have the same effect on a population? now a child my be able to handle a weapon. you don't need to ban all of these things. simply they need to become aware of the Indoctrination. the result is"social engineering* may be something to search on Google.
don't say:" like" so often, and please discuss why you approve or disapprove of.We must go back into the past and see where the plan all started. look at the bigger picture. instead of getting caught up in what a supposed celebrity has typed.Those stars our community has been looking up to are false. and misleading. and they are puppets……. look at how the puppeteers have pulled our stings… look at what they have gave us to discuss. topics designed to divide. false "facts".they do not want us healthy, they do not want you to think out side of their box.there for if you are on their platform, using their podium THEY WILL CONTROLL YOUR MESSAGE. and if you are speaking out of line. you get shut down. ANd they will give what ever reason they want. your on their system…..Does it make sense?I do hope I'm getting through to you and your audience.please ask if you have any questions.Hope yall are still growin the good tooo!
sorry to say there is not much you can do to not get terminated… They can strike Private Videos and Deleted Videos from there back door access. Start a backup channel asap and start a new documentary format
I swear to god I was just talking to my homie about nanosaur the other day. I used to get to elementary and hop on that as soon as I got there in the morning lol
Dude no offense but both of you guys aren't very read up on the Trump topic Trump got elected because the people wanted a hard nosed businesses type the tell's it how it is he had done more for our country then the last 8 president combined he took then democratic race baiting boot off the necks of most Americans I and all my family had to leave commiefornia just so we could live now we all own new house and cars and can't be happier
This will be the final episode with this setup, ep.8 will be at the new spot! Lots of content on the way – If you guys have voice memos for next week send em to realonesshane at gmail/com. Thanks for the support guys! Stay tuned!
Why you guys gotta be snowflakes for?
Make more real ones podcasts they dope as fuck
yall should put time stamps with each of the topics in the headlines
Funny story … my friends were playing in the Chicago suburbs and often played shows with this band who were pretty cool but I thought the lead singer was overdramatic. One of these shows was the closest I have ever came to getting arrested for weed as well. That band's name? Fall Out Boy. They got big in the area don't get me wrong, but it also showed there is a huge element of luck involved to make it huge.
A nanosaur is a sexually transmitted disease contracted from copulating with a computer.
Source – My imagination.
1:04 I didn't know Shane was a stone mason. I can't believe he can LAY BARS LIKE THAT YKWIM
That intro
Shane has bars he came out firing in this one
Cheers my guy's stay smoking and stay loaded up peace love and happiness
Glad you guys came back!
I think this show can be awesome! My mind is exploding 🤯 with ideas!!
Hit me up.
I remember this channel from like 2012 or 13 lol
Thought they hated purp
You guys remember ARC healing center? good times. what trimlific up to?
indoctrination is the topic. It may be apart of psychological warfare,when playing war games. the children who are playing. are taught tactics..there are flight simulations for pilots. Why would a war game not have the same effect on a population? now a child my be able to handle a weapon. you don't need to ban all of these things. simply they need to become aware of the Indoctrination. the result is"social engineering* may be something to search on Google.
don't say:" like" so often, and please discuss why you approve or disapprove of.We must go back into the past and see where the plan all started. look at the bigger picture. instead of getting caught up in what a supposed celebrity has typed.Those stars our community has been looking up to are false. and misleading. and they are puppets……. look at how the puppeteers have pulled our stings… look at what they have gave us to discuss. topics designed to divide. false "facts".they do not want us healthy, they do not want you to think out side of their box.there for if you are on their platform, using their podium THEY WILL CONTROLL YOUR MESSAGE. and if you are speaking out of line. you get shut down. ANd they will give what ever reason they want. your on their system…..Does it make sense?I do hope I'm getting through to you and your audience.please ask if you have any questions.Hope yall are still growin the good tooo!
agenda 21. look into it. its better than saying "I DONT KNOW" time after time.
dudes very sad the excellent back-catalog you had is gone! the old wake n bake wed vids are classics!
KOD is better than 90% of rap today.
Intro was so fire. Lmao.
No timestamps. Rip.
Dude the intro and outro song is fire as fuck
sorry to say there is not much you can do to not get terminated… They can strike Private Videos and Deleted Videos from there back door access. Start a backup channel asap and start a new documentary format
Trust me dog if there is a war your scrauny ass wont be called lol
I swear to god I was just talking to my homie about nanosaur the other day. I used to get to elementary and hop on that as soon as I got there in the morning lol
Dude no offense but both of you guys aren't very read up on the Trump topic Trump got elected because the people wanted a hard nosed businesses type the tell's it how it is he had done more for our country then the last 8 president combined he took then democratic race baiting boot off the necks of most Americans I and all my family had to leave commiefornia just so we could live now we all own new house and cars and can't be happier
30 years old and still trying to be a rapper
Ouuu baby that lighter camera transition <3333
Daaaam, came across this in the sub feed, been years since I seen yall, hope you're doing well.
Was sitting on pins and needles to see if you guys were coming back. Good to see you weren't purged.
fuck, it's crazy