The first episode of Bunday! Every Sunday we chat about the 3 main things in life. For this episode, YouTube is terminating …

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42 Commentaires

  1. Droves of people who enjoy freedom are starting to migrate to Bitchute now. The whole term "you tube" is a joke since you can't be "YOU" after all. To make a mockery of your very identity as a company in your own name is hilarious!!! 🙂

  2. One love my man that right we are THE MOVEMENT .. regulation would be a way too go .. human rights has been abused by criminal gangs … medical marijuanna is used and has been used by tens of thousands each and every day .. the world of peace can be achived if we pull together and fight for whats right .. and by regulations it will force many upcoming gangs grtting involved as medical smokers use these gangs as they are the ones who dont care and do this regulations would see a massive cut in organised gangs .. JOIN THE MOVEMENT PEOPLE ONE LOVE FROM THE UK

  3. Hi drew love your vids but as you well know google owns YouTube. That’s why I’ve completed YouTube like a half hearted n64 game. We want your content and others of the same. Make a vid why is this content is getting censored? Why does YouTube stop cannabis content when the state they lie in is positive (legalised) cannabis use? Please clear that up for us

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