28 Commentaires

  1. I'm new to vaping and was wondering which kind has clear smoke? Some vapes blow out actual smoke and I don't want that. I'm guessing the ones filled with oil and not flower is what I'm looking for?

  2. They discontinued my regular vape pen for cannabis. They came out with the Jupiter 9 from the beginning it was hard to smoke and didn't vibrate. I just bought a new cartridge that's full and I can't even smoke it now won't even vibrate. I've tried all the troubleshooting on YouTube and everything just won't work very disappointed

  3. The greatest high is know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Vapour Pens can't pay the penalty for your sins or keep you from being thrown into hell for eternity. Jesus offers the gift of eternal life if you call on Him and trust that He has paid the price in your place

  4. youll notice how alot of different companies have the exact same unit save maybe the button and because they are specifically for a certain product they are significantly more than a e juice pen but are exactly the same… bullshit

  5. For those of you looking for number 3 Daborizer, be sure to 1) not get the knockoff and 2) go to the actual bhopen site where you can get the e-liquid and dry herb chamber as add-ons. Hope this helps.

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