9 Commentaires

  1. Reminds one of the classic Green Moroccan Hash from the late 70's & early 80's that was only $8 Dollars a gram…. Good clean mild high that did the trick , especially when there was nuthing better around than bunk shwag leaf…!

  2. I thought it was supposed to be a ball with the yr stamped on it & thought it was Lebanese hashish not blonde. Have u tried any 8 ball kush products? The shatter is fantastic the hash is not trash but sucks in a way & was blonde. ✌💨

  3. Man did I ever laugh when I saw blue nuit as the strain name. If you were a teen in the early 90's you can remember a show on the French channel late at night with the same name!! Keep up the great reviews bro💨💨💨

  4. Commented before the end of the video. The pipe break is always heart breaking. Our elbows betray us haha. Weird looking hash. But I would imagine the average non smoker would probably find it useful to relax

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