19 Commentaires

  1. Off grid bucket toilet-use wood shavings or dirt to cover and prevent smell, not a bag lol and then you dump it into the woods.
    It’s compost, it’ll all break down. Plastic bags don’t.
    Or just go dig a hole and cover when done.

    Bobo please don’t go shit in a lake if you go camping 😂

  2. I take what I see and hear on this show as literal guidelines that's like the universe speaking through these discussions from everyone speaking. I really enjoyed this show and to think it was just a Monday! I always feel the closing messages from B-Real but the one at the end of this show was another one that strongly resonated with me and I know those words are indeed true.

  3. Only celebrities not talking about. The twitter files and changing the story and makin Elon a bad guy are out of the problem and just showed the world who they work for. All these celebrities care about is money they don’t care if they hurt our children

  4. Pretty funny how your title is Elon gets booed off stage when it should be Elon drops breaking news twitter files have been released maybe you should explain to your followers about the twitter files

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