17 Commentaires

  1. Kinda a random comment here but I thought someone from the audience might be able to give me some insight on something…..Couldn't find a reddit that wasn't at least a couple of years old so here goes.. Does anyone know what could make some bud smoked in a bowl to continue burning very slowly after taking a couple of hits like much longer than you expect? When the bowl is mostly cashed and I dump the remains into the ashtray sometimes there may be a couple of crumbs left that will continue smoldering/smoking for sometime. I've been burning for over twenty years now and never really seen this before until recently. It's nothing like trying to smoke some bud that's super fresh and not been fully dried…This is the second time I've gotten a batch that did this over the past few months…(I happen to live in one of the few states still living in the reefer madness mindset, way down south in the buckle of the bible belt in a tiny town surrounded by more small towns so my access to choices is limited.) I can't see anything that looks unusual when inspecting it under some light and a small magnifying glass. There's no overpowering/unnatural aroma, and I can't feel anything unusual on these buds. They're not super sticky nor do I feel any type of an oily residue on the buds. Anybody got an idea?? I'd love to hear some feedback….

  2. Respect to Inas x she is a great person love to have her back on the show with the brothers! 💯👑💪Appreciate yall have a great Thanksgiving breal fam an viewers!

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