27 Commentaires

  1. I didn't have any weed to smoke along with so I smoked my mom's crack instead and I think I'm just going to stick to smoking crack now it's a much more productive high.

  2. Alright I am new to cannabis and am looking for a bubbler. Love the one in this video, but i do not dab or use the waxes and concentrates etc. I am wondering, is the bubbler good to use with dry herb too or is it just for the oils?

  3. Josh you're the only youtuber that I watch where every time a video comes out I get super excited and I do everything I can to support you. I fuckin love you dude and please keep making these vids because it's almost like therapy for me when I'm having a really shitty day

  4. Josh you're the only youtuber that I watch where every time a video comes out I get super excited and I do everything I can to support you. I fuckin love you dude and please keep making these vids because it's almost like therapy for me when I'm having a really shitty day

  5. Thanis for the reviews josh,i watched all the new videos you posted.
    Moved out from Kosovo to Switzerland so i couldn't check your youtube for aboit 2 days or so,but now i'm back and i'm happy i got 3 whole videos to watch :3

  6. i'm a fan of slightly less diffusion on my concentrate rigs. my cheapest rig to date (tech tubes micro inline 14mm) only has 8 holes in the perc and it's my personal favorite for flavor. in my opinion more diffusion just takes away flavor from good concentrates. just my two cents.

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