(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* Got a review for the Linx Hypnos Zero! This is a ceramic plated wax pen that is … Check on YouTube
26 Commentaires
People always say edibles never do anything I know for a fact they mess you up you should explain real edibles from homemade cause people are annoying ha 👍🏼👍🏼 cool vid
If cannabis was re-scheduled it would be bad for many of the current canna-businesses and medical access. Schedule 2 drugs like opiates have much stricter in place regulations which would be bad for current canna-buisenesses. Since drug companies can not patent cannabis they don't push legalization, which is why they come up with new synthetic thc drugs. Once the cannabis industry grows large enough it will lobby for national legalization to increase the market size.
It makes me LIVID how the government let's people use fake cannabis legally and not the real thing. Just, WHY? What is the point of that? We have this natural plant with its natural THC but instead go about producing fake THC so people can legally smoke???????? Just legalize cannabis and then we won't have to do any of that?????????
im a big guy. dont get me wrong i smoke once every 2 or 3 three day. i dont try edibles. but my buddy gave me a 500 ml. and it knocked me on my ass, flat. best feeling i've felt
Can I just say, Fuck the DEA. they make money off cannabis illegalization. They will never legalize it unless we do something to keep them in check. Or abolish them entirely. Fuck. The DEA.
People always say edibles never do anything I know for a fact they mess you up you should explain real edibles from homemade cause people are annoying ha 👍🏼👍🏼 cool vid
I love how we dont know about all the crazy smugguling stories that actually WORKED
josh you should do a high bean boozled jellybean challenge that would be so entertaining
If cannabis was re-scheduled it would be bad for many of the current canna-businesses and medical access. Schedule 2 drugs like opiates have much stricter in place regulations which would be bad for current canna-buisenesses. Since drug companies can not patent cannabis they don't push legalization, which is why they come up with new synthetic thc drugs. Once the cannabis industry grows large enough it will lobby for national legalization to increase the market size.
I am hi as fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
how many times has josh talked about that key lime pie lmao it cracks me up
Josh you look like a wizard.
i'd rather buy real weed illegal than synthetic shit thats gonna ruin your body
I want that nerd rope
I don't know if this has been asked?? but how many glass items do you have?
you don't even inhale
take a bowl of str8 pistils and tell us i def thought uda done it this video
one day your name will be Josh instead of it would be I love ur videos
It makes me LIVID how the government let's people use fake cannabis legally and not the real thing. Just, WHY? What is the point of that? We have this natural plant with its natural THC but instead go about producing fake THC so people can legally smoke???????? Just legalize cannabis and then we won't have to do any of that?????????
That demon voice still gets me by surprise 😂😂😂
Yo AL needs legalization, its boring as hell down here.
We all knew the DEA wouldnt do anything
im a big guy. dont get me wrong i smoke once every 2 or 3 three day. i dont try edibles. but my buddy gave me a 500 ml. and it knocked me on my ass, flat. best feeling i've felt
Can I just say, Fuck the DEA. they make money off cannabis illegalization. They will never legalize it unless we do something to keep them in check. Or abolish them entirely. Fuck. The DEA.
New subscriber 🙂 love your personality and positive energy. Spreading positive vibes back your way! ✌🏼️
lmao the guy that said he felt "everything at once"
a small loan of 2 million dollar's
So Malia Obama got caught smoking weed, like her father, the president, did when he was young.
your not customgrow420
"small sum of 2 million dollars"
Josh is it true that you want to be fetuses in Loaded Up's channel?