Check on YouTube
In the UK there’s been a lot of fake cali bags for a long time. But recently the fake cali has become an even bigger problem. Check on YouTube
Everyone is always telling me just how much they loved my last tier list video!… well maybe not some people… BUT we’re back … Check on YouTube
I FINALLY DID IT! I MOVED TO LONDON! If you see this, comment saying ‘I drank your sprite’ MY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS ^_^ … Check on YouTube
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Drew, does the condition need to be diagnosed? I’ve been to doctors about anxiety multiple times and have been prescribed diazepam and propranolol multiple times but never had the anxiety diagnosed officially
does this work in ireland
can people from Ireland with legit epilepsy I hate take the big doses of keppra side effects is Memory loss and can't eat but smoking all medical as best I can from Cali . if been told there is an eu clinic an Irish person once told me I can try an eu placement but I can't remember where and how the guy explained the whole thing in a short conversation so I ain't sure but I now know the Irish people are getting prescriptions but either in UK or some private clinic in eu any ideas drew plz
and it costs a fucking shitload
سربوت امحق نصيحة
I tried but I got turned down even though I am on the list. Had cancer and have pain due to surgery had more than two prescriptions. Can you help me drew ?
Damn boy trapped in the UK don’t know nothing else 😂😂
The problem is. I need to see the weed before I buy it. I’m not buying random govt weed from a catalog which is 99% boof
I get adven emt1 can you get other of there strains they only offer me 1 but I’ve seen you get new ones
Im 99% sure id get accepted but not sure if its worth it, I pay 5-6pound per g for really nice bud I cant imagine they do it any cheaper?
Not as easy as he says
DanTDM of weed
Ok if you have a regular good amount of money each week/month!!
Do you have to pay consultation every time?
So my plan was to not tell my GP, that was until the clinic sent me a copy of the email/letter that they sent to my GP without my prior knowledge …
so far experience with mamedica has been awful
Don’t uk have like shitty weed tho? Idk im not from there
I literally handed in my medical notes yesterday and told me I'll get a call Monday/Tuesday to finalise
Do migraines count? if youve gone through three sets of medicine and had 2 mris?
Mamedica ad.
If you live in the states, some states like MAINE removed the list of conditions you need to have medical access. Now you can just say hey I want to try this medically natural alternative to pills and they hook you up.
Looks like I won't get it, I got 3 on the list BUT yesterday had my online appointment and cos I got a heart condition she said she thinks it won't happen, got fingers crossed did it on my Birthday too.
I'm on strike so will have to wait
but id you hate doctors like me and never go to them youre fucked and cant get anything lol
Big up drew,just received my first prescription but I’ll be honest the buds is awful.not flavour at all and bone dry. The buds been irradiated which definitely makes the taste and smell not pleasant and the price was ridiculous..back the the Albanians for me I think£150 a oz😂