In this video Josh teaches you how to roll a Tulip! This is a flower filled with flower! There are many tulip styles but this one is the … Check on YouTube
Regardless of branding, all of Josh-owned rolling papers (RAWs, Elements) and wraps (Juicy Jay's) seem to have much less adhesive ability compared to other brands I've tried. Juicy blunt wraps take the cake, but even normal papers frequently don't seem to stick. Idk what the issue is, but it only happens with Josh's products. Love them otherwise, but please sort this out
This dude is nardwaur on weed…
… What else do you do with acacia trees?
You are the man, so cool to see where the papers come from.
You should make a tray that has like foldable walls to block wind
Regardless of branding, all of Josh-owned rolling papers (RAWs, Elements) and wraps (Juicy Jay's) seem to have much less adhesive ability compared to other brands I've tried. Juicy blunt wraps take the cake, but even normal papers frequently don't seem to stick. Idk what the issue is, but it only happens with Josh's products. Love them otherwise, but please sort this out
Love you josh ❤
Why bleep out hemp lol
"Don't panic, it's organiccccc!!!!!" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
the raw sap looks so pretty
Tell me more. I’m intrigued now lol! Still have yet to collaborate with @rawpapersofficial ❤️