35 Commentaires

  1. So despite the big clickbait tittle, no they have not legalized yet. This is a basically a test run for legal bud in the country, so far the laws are the exact same, for the first time a company that grows bud does it legally, and within the law of E.U
    Its not definitive at all yet, its really just a test, so its NOT legalized. its still tolerated, i just think Drew does little to no research before filming

  2. Hey Drew, going to Dam in March for first time. Which 5 coffee shops would you most recommend? Also, which sells food? I remember you did a vid/short on one with food but can't find

  3. Onlangs adviseerde een commissie onder voorzitterschap van prof. Garretsen, voorzitter van

    de Wetenschappelijke Raad van de Nationale Drug Monitor, om cannabis met een gehalte

    aan 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) hoger dan 15% op Lijst I van de Opiumwet te plaatsen

    (Expertcommissie Lijstensystematiek Opiumwet, 2011). Doel van de maatregel is om

    mogelijke gezondheidsschade door wiet met een hoog THC-gehalte te voorkomen. De

    commissie Garretsen vindt het onverantwoord om uitvoerig onderzoek naar een exacte

    grens waarboven wiet als harddrug beschouwd zou moeten worden af te wachten en kiest

    daarom uit voorzorg voor een grens van 15%. Zij kiest voor 15% omdat zij zegt dat de

    schade voor de volksgezondheid vooral is toegenomen na 2001, toen het THC-gehalte nog

    rond de 11% lag. It's kinda like dumb people decided beer is okay and whiskey should be banned..

  4. The reason for the 15% could be that for the purposes of measuring the strength that they take a sample of the plant with stems and leaves still attached, grind all that up and test the overall strength. I know when you get busted for growing in NL, as well as getting done by the police you also get prosecuted by the Belastingdienst (Inland revenue) for tax evasion, and to calculate how much weed you have they weigh the entire plant and base their calculations on that.

  5. Drew uses the same tester as N’Specta and N’Specta is one of the most honest and most knowledgeable guys in the whole entire weed growing community. If he uses it then it’s most likely an accurate tester. I can’t remember the name of the tester but they definitely use the same one.

  6. I suppose there may be a limit on the numbers. Everything had to be under a certain number and 26 is above that limit? Or they didn’t have a tester and just guessed conservatively. Its better to be too low than too high right?

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