32 Commentaires

  1. Just want to say I have a dog who seizures and I’ve used this a few times now and it works!!
    I’ve started doing it twice a day regardless as a preventative measure, that’s how good it works. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


  3. My 8yr old Standard Poodle just started have seizures – nothing shows in blood work. Not will to have the $6000,00 neurological work done. Perfectly healthy otherwise – any help great appreciated.

  4. This man is a lifesaver for sharing such important information. My dog started having seizures, and during research, I came across this channel. Unfortunately had to use this technique just a few minutes ago and she sure did come right out of it. She's 13 so I know she doesn't have a lot of time left, but thankfully, she didn't go today. I appreciate this channel so much ❤ 💗 💓

  5. Lu-Lu is going in the spring to be a care dog- I have her ready to go except day-to-day essentials- I picked up a new box of dog- bones and hope to have a 8 kg bag of dogfood also ready for her as well to start her off in her placement- ITT was also easy to know that I will be referring her caregiver to your channel- not only did you give me the natural way to heal 'kennel cough' it is no less easy to see AND hear you ARE genuine- this is not JUST a job but A ❤for furry- family! Thank- you ever sooo much!!! 😎

  6. I follow your channel and certainly subscribed. Periodically I tell you how great I think you are.
    Wish you were closer, maybe in the U.K where I live. Then I'd buy some of your fabulous looking supplements.

  7. Love this tip! Last year my dog had a seizure. I haven't witnessed one since….she's very young and at the time she was about 3 1/2…. it was an evening in the summer (over 85 degrees perhaps) and she ran in and suddenly lost her balance….it was as if she "lost her sea legs" like a rocking ship. she was coherent and looked at me, as if she knew something wasn't right…. I didn't know what was going on and came up behind her and straddled her between my legs….this seemed to pull her out of it. I hadn't witnessed this since (thank god) and realized (from videos) it was a type of siezure and took her to the vet. Ironically (not so ironic) the vet didn't @ee anything wrong, but went on to push oral and injectable pesticides,even though they knew my dog had the siezure with no obvious cause. I was literally against pesticides because of their link to siezures, and knew this was not the cause behind my dogs neurological issue. The drug company insensitives rule presidence to a lot of vets. Upon further research, I found a study suggesting that most dogs have a siezure at some point in their lives. I would love your insight on this. Between pesticides, crappie food and vaccines, it seems pretty clear where the links are…. With everything going on, I went from pro vaxx (family animals etc.), to completely the opposite, but I digress. I'm putting my focus on nutrition, as long as I can somewhat afford too. Back in 2007 I lost my cat due to the malimine poisoning (thanks china) in the food. My cat (only 7)siezured in my arms and died….needless to say, I was devastated.

  8. When I was a teenager, I had a poodle. She had epilepsy, and the vet put her on mysoline. I found out that if I noticed she was prodromal, and if I rubbed her gently behind both ears, and talked to her soothingly, I could either lessen the seizure, and more often, stop one from coming on. Eventually, she stopped having seizures, and lived to be nearly 19. And no meds either.

  9. Love your post. I'm a TCM practitioner and this is "point on" the spot. also for fainting, revival use, shock. Similar location on humans in the 'Philtrum" between nose and upper lip. Happy to see Acupressure in your video…hope you will share more.

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