I thought i’d sit down today and discuss how I handle my anxiety. I know this is a struggle for many of us, so I give y’all some tips … Check on YouTube
I don’t feel like any CBD gummies i’ve ever tried have worked… but I may have met my match! [MY SOCIAL MEDIA] → Main … Check on YouTube
40 Commentaires
I understand you as I suffer from the same problem. Luckily when i was 22 I thought to myself that if I continiue drinking ill die (Liver enzyme GGT-6,7) so i went to rehab and got clean and now iam clear from alcohol for over a year, havent relapsed once, iam still studying on uni but I still smoke weed .. its almost like the lesser evil. Remembering how I felt limbs shaking going to a gas station at 4am to "buy two bottles of the cheapest liqor, drink half of the first one instantly, puke, drink the rest .. feel somewhat liveable for 3 hours- sober up and get the shakes – repeat"is what kept me "sober" .. iam sure as heck not very happy with how often I smoke weed and that it falls under many of the same behavioral patterns i went through with alcohol but as I said .. its not destroying my health, relations, uni progress .. I feel like if iam to be addicted to a substance weed is the least harmful. Anyways what do you (and random people in the comments) think about smoking weed as a recovering alcoholic ? As an addict i probbably shoulnt seek advice from an addict in order to not keep myself in an information bubble that does not corespond with reality but I would really appreciate your opinion.
I had to beat my addiction with changing my friends that was very hard specially in corona phase where you cant go out really and find new ones… But here i am and enjoying life again
To get to the point, we have to change our ways to modify our world. If you are not scared of trying a different practice, maybe one of the solutions talked about in Steffon Barkload's website will make you kick the habit in approximately one hour or far less.
Been around the program for many years. I hope you continue with your sobriety from alcohol, Josh. I really do. However, using any mind-altering chemical, such as cannabis, is not working a true program and is just considered using the 'Marijuana Maintenance Program'. I have watched you for years and truly want sobriety for you. …….
I JUST found you again tonight after your channel was shut down a while back…I had no idea you were even on youtube. It's June 2020, I hope you are well and staying healthy mentally and physically considering the current state of the nation. I'm sorry you're going through such a struggle with substance abuse problems.
Hey josh. As a British geezer I started drinking at 18 and I took to it quite strongly as I've never thought I've had enough confidence in social groups or in myself, drank a bottle of whisky every day for a year and I was very ill because of it. Switched to weed as a scapegoat and ended up developing a chronic paranoia just after my daughter was born, getting disturbing and intrusive thoughts and such. Worst experience of my life. Dwindled away over time but recently I've separated with my daughter's mother as she was abusive and manipulative and In the space of a few weeks I am now completely dependant on alcohol again. I have my daughter full time so I feel a tremendous amount of guilt when I drink too much, then that guilt becomes something I want to drink to forget. I pride myself on being a good dad so it's been quite rough, self hate is starting to settle in. All I can say at the end of the day is you're a better man than me josh, I have absolutely no doubts that you will pull through this stronger than ever, and even though we've never met I find comfort in knowing that we will be ending our alcoholism together. Big fan of yours man, have been for years. I even made your intro a few years back. I respect the fuck outta you and what you stand for and what you've gone through. Keep your chin way up there man, looking forward to seeing more of you.
Ya. I almost was an alcoholic. My parents watched me drink about 8 beers one night. They said if you don’t stop you’re gonna die man. We will do a week without alcohol with you. My dad lasted for a week but my mom lasted for 5 days lol. But I thank them very much for saying that to me
i used to watch your channel everyday back in 2014. I remembered your channel today! keep your head up man! and what happened to the bieber hair!!! hahaha cheers man keep that head up u got this ur your mind is power! your thoughts will become your words your words will become your actions! think positive stay positive!
Don't understand how you can want to drink alcohol, when you have the amount of weed you have. I would be so stoned all day everyday. Rather then be drunk and feel groggy
It’s interesting, despite smoking weed, alcohol still makes a appearance, my theory is that unlike weed the effects of alcohol isn’t altered as much when you do it the next day and when you mix with weed, it’s awesome. This is why I regret trying alcohol and try your best not to try any other substance other than psychedelics which should be tried in small doses
Been sober since November 13 2013, you can do it too 🙂 cannabis was huge I'm helping me quit! Knowing it's a daily fight is the first major step to staying sober. If you need a sponsor let me know !
I'm going on a year and a half without taking any Xanax myself dude. Has definitely taken a toll on me in the past but I'm definitely so so happy to be truly done. You can do this! Best of luck on your journey, the community loves ya
You have every option available too you, Weed (Legal) Fame(Youtube) and support and YET you still cry foul? if anything this just a bad cry for attention, you have no right to address this at all.
Thank you so much for your honesty, and for coming to us with this. I am hopeful for you in your fight with this, and very impressed with your sense of humility and responsibility. Keep up the good fight.
Fighting through harsh times without help and being able to conquer life's mental and physical challenges even in the face of pure hopelessness is what creates worriors ,
Josh remember you can always transfer your addictions into a different activity. All the time we spend looking for drugs we could have used that time and drive for a different positive use it’s a hard thing to do
Im not trying to be mean cause i myself am a recovering addict ( 5 years clean from opiates ) but alcohol botherd you cause you let it bother you. Believe me i wasnt trying to get addicted to heroin either but while take percs for pain for surgery it happened. DR cut me off then i was fucked. Its not just alcohol that is very easy to get. I could make 1 phone call and had heroin delivered to me by my drug dealer. Its ALL very easy to get. Im glad you're doing well Josh. 1 day at a time. Saying a prayer for ya
Hey. Coming up on 7 years for me. You can do it. I am a perfect example of alcoholism and cannabis helps me stay consistent and sober from the poison of alcohol. Many blessings. Don’t drink. Go to a meeting.
You definitely do not need to apologize to us. Alcoholism is a very hard burden to bare. Good for you for being able to admit it both to yourself and publicly. That is such a huge step. You can do this! 💪💪 Keep up the good work Josh!
Thank you for having the courage to share this. So many of us love and support you, and that’s no matter what. Even if you help just one person with this video, it’s. Lot. and, it shows that one can get through it. Sending you love and light on your journey. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
I understand you as I suffer from the same problem. Luckily when i was 22 I thought to myself that if I continiue drinking ill die (Liver enzyme GGT-6,7) so i went to rehab and got clean and now iam clear from alcohol for over a year, havent relapsed once, iam still studying on uni but I still smoke weed .. its almost like the lesser evil. Remembering how I felt limbs shaking going to a gas station at 4am to "buy two bottles of the cheapest liqor, drink half of the first one instantly, puke, drink the rest .. feel somewhat liveable for 3 hours- sober up and get the shakes – repeat"is what kept me "sober" .. iam sure as heck not very happy with how often I smoke weed and that it falls under many of the same behavioral patterns i went through with alcohol but as I said .. its not destroying my health, relations, uni progress .. I feel like if iam to be addicted to a substance weed is the least harmful. Anyways what do you (and random people in the comments) think about smoking weed as a recovering alcoholic ? As an addict i probbably shoulnt seek advice from an addict in order to not keep myself in an information bubble that does not corespond with reality but I would really appreciate your opinion.
I had to beat my addiction with changing my friends that was very hard specially in corona phase where you cant go out really and find new ones…
But here i am and enjoying life again
Just stumbled across this video and wanted to say well done! I hope you are still going strong?
What does alcohol have to do with weed
But doesn't smoking weed lead to you buying a 6 pack?
Sober means NO mind or mood altering substances entering your body.
Whether or not this is possible, I'm not sure.
But I got sober a year ago and it meant giving up drugs I wasn't even using as well as all my old favorites.
No one in the community would consider me sober if I hadn't.
Hang in bro I've been sober 22 years .just started smoking AGAIN 3 years ago no problem
I remember watching you when I was like 15
To get to the point, we have to change our ways to modify our world. If you are not scared of trying a different practice, maybe one of the solutions talked about in Steffon Barkload's website will make you kick the habit in approximately one hour or far less.
Watching this while drinking a beer, cheers mate
Hope you’re still working a program pal.
Relapse is part of the journey but it’s not necessary.
Stay fit. Read. Exercise and go to meetings.
Been around the program for many years. I hope you continue with your sobriety from alcohol, Josh. I really do. However, using any mind-altering chemical, such as cannabis, is not working a true program and is just considered using the 'Marijuana Maintenance Program'. I have watched you for years and truly want sobriety for you. …….
I JUST found you again tonight after your channel was shut down a while back…I had no idea you were even on youtube. It's June 2020, I hope you are well and staying healthy mentally and physically considering the current state of the nation. I'm sorry you're going through such a struggle with substance abuse problems.
Hey josh. As a British geezer I started drinking at 18 and I took to it quite strongly as I've never thought I've had enough confidence in social groups or in myself, drank a bottle of whisky every day for a year and I was very ill because of it. Switched to weed as a scapegoat and ended up developing a chronic paranoia just after my daughter was born, getting disturbing and intrusive thoughts and such. Worst experience of my life. Dwindled away over time but recently I've separated with my daughter's mother as she was abusive and manipulative and In the space of a few weeks I am now completely dependant on alcohol again. I have my daughter full time so I feel a tremendous amount of guilt when I drink too much, then that guilt becomes something I want to drink to forget. I pride myself on being a good dad so it's been quite rough, self hate is starting to settle in. All I can say at the end of the day is you're a better man than me josh, I have absolutely no doubts that you will pull through this stronger than ever, and even though we've never met I find comfort in knowing that we will be ending our alcoholism together. Big fan of yours man, have been for years. I even made your intro a few years back. I respect the fuck outta you and what you stand for and what you've gone through. Keep your chin way up there man, looking forward to seeing more of you.
Stay strong my friend
Ya. I almost was an alcoholic. My parents watched me drink about 8 beers one night. They said if you don’t stop you’re gonna die man. We will do a week without alcohol with you. My dad lasted for a week but my mom lasted for 5 days lol. But I thank them very much for saying that to me
What did you like to drink?
Keep your head up mate sending lots of love from Australia ❤️❤️❤️
i used to watch your channel everyday back in 2014. I remembered your channel today! keep your head up man! and what happened to the bieber hair!!! hahaha cheers man keep that head up u got this ur your mind is power! your thoughts will become your words your words will become your actions! think positive stay positive!
Don't understand how you can want to drink alcohol, when you have the amount of weed you have. I would be so stoned all day everyday. Rather then be drunk and feel groggy
It will be ok bro. We all have issues in some way. You are not alone. You are loved bro.
I like acid and weed but I can do with out I’m sorry I can’t understand your problem I hope you get better though
It’s interesting, despite smoking weed, alcohol still makes a appearance, my theory is that unlike weed the effects of alcohol isn’t altered as much when you do it the next day and when you mix with weed, it’s awesome. This is why I regret trying alcohol and try your best not to try any other substance other than psychedelics which should be tried in small doses
Hopes and Prayers for you man to get through this, and you will.. just a bump in the road.
You'll get through it, stick to cannabis. Protect yourself
Been sober since November 13 2013, you can do it too 🙂 cannabis was huge I'm helping me quit! Knowing it's a daily fight is the first major step to staying sober. If you need a sponsor let me know !
I'm going on a year and a half without taking any Xanax myself dude. Has definitely taken a toll on me in the past but I'm definitely so so happy to be truly done. You can do this! Best of luck on your journey, the community loves ya
You have every option available too you, Weed (Legal) Fame(Youtube) and support and YET you still cry foul? if anything this just a bad cry for attention, you have no right to address this at all.
Just dont drink
Thank you so much for your honesty, and for coming to us with this. I am hopeful for you in your fight with this, and very impressed with your sense of humility and responsibility. Keep up the good fight.
spot on. Ive struggled with cocaine and valium, you describe what addiction is like perfectly. so glad to see you back on your feet.
Fighting through harsh times without help and being able to conquer life's mental and physical challenges even in the face of pure hopelessness is what creates worriors ,
Josh remember you can always transfer your addictions into a different activity. All the time we spend looking for drugs we could have used that time and drive for a different positive use it’s a hard thing to do
Yo just seen this video. Hope your doing better man🙏 your a great person
ive loved your videos for years. Doesnt change a thing, your a smart man and you will get through whatever you want.
Im not trying to be mean cause i myself am a recovering addict ( 5 years clean from opiates ) but alcohol botherd you cause you let it bother you. Believe me i wasnt trying to get addicted to heroin either but while take percs for pain for surgery it happened. DR cut me off then i was fucked. Its not just alcohol that is very easy to get. I could make 1 phone call and had heroin delivered to me by my drug dealer. Its ALL very easy to get. Im glad you're doing well Josh. 1 day at a time. Saying a prayer for ya
Get a sponsor. Go to a meeting.
Hey. Coming up on 7 years for me. You can do it. I am a perfect example of alcoholism and cannabis helps me stay consistent and sober from the poison of alcohol. Many blessings. Don’t drink. Go to a meeting.
You definitely do not need to apologize to us. Alcoholism is a very hard burden to bare. Good for you for being able to admit it both to yourself and publicly. That is such a huge step. You can do this! 💪💪
Keep up the good work Josh!
Thank you for having the courage to share this. So many of us love and support you, and that’s no matter what. Even if you help just one person with this video, it’s. Lot. and, it shows that one can get through it. Sending you love and light on your journey. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
1:25 alcohol took nothing from you, you gave it all away for alcohol. Stay strong man