46 Commentaires

  1. What a dumb comment. you dont ask a partner to not do something? Most definitely you do all the time my girlfriends always asks to to not do certain things as I did the same it's called communication and discussion and then compromise. This is how real relationships evolve and grow.

  2. The best time to cash in on mass hysteria is before everybody's already shot their load, then looks back on their behavior and says, "Geez, what stupid fucktwats we were back then!" But then they don't realize what fucktwats they are now. People never recognize history as they're moving through it, yet some of us realize what fucktwats they are/were all along. Fact.

  3. Boxing takes place in a circle cause nobody want's to sit in the corners, further from the center of the action. a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2} (Pythagorean theorem&common sense)

  4. Yeah meanwhile Billie is hitting on Christopher Ingle constantly likeing and commenting on his pics on instagram, ever since she dated Onision she blew up online and gain tons of followers since she is a pretty Jezebel/ Aphrodite of course shes gonna get followers online even if she isnt consistent with her content. Shes so into him and desperate that she even changed her last name To Ingles and he Noticed her and now Follows her back on instagram. So if she could get with a Public figure with millions of followers dont doubt she can get to Christopher because she is pretty af. Billie didnt deserve what happend to her despite what she did wrong because Onisions an asshole but she clearly isnt a saint. Shes a homewrecker who doesnt care for others feelings and wanted Onision for herself, she just got closed to Lainey to get to Onision so boy whatch out and enjoy the moment.

  5. This is fantastic! You two are so cute together! It's nice to see Billie being treated like a human being. I can totally see these two snuggling and getting comfy all the time. <3

  6. Are you all dumb? Iceland was named that by the vikings so that people wouldn't invade their lands. Now some viking from Iceland was kicked out, he found and icy land but he didn't want to live alone. He named it Greenland so that vikings from his homeland would go to live with him. Brush up on your history crack heads. Btw, Billie knew full well about Onision's hate for drugs beforehand, if she respected him, she would have told him from the start and not lied, therefor all of this confusion would have been avoided. She was desperate for attention. And considering how young she was, she probably had that " i have a celebrity crush" stage. Like it or not, Billie started this all by lying. Don't complain when people hate you for that.

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