20 Commentaires

  1. Hellz yea man! Does it taste like the grilled cheese u made in a video I seen u make? Jk lol. I wish I could have a nugget smasher for sure. I would settle for the mini because I see how it can pack a big punch for as small as it is in the videos I see random people post on YouTube. but then i ran into the actual channel and it has me wanting one for sure

  2. That everything tool comes in handy and it was free when I ordered the decarboxylation capsule. Hope your going to make a few more videos on using it tips and tricks. Thank you for a great product, NugSmasher xp.

  3. Looks like there was some more pressing left on those first few batches Lol wished I had access to flowers of all kinds available in its different states can’t wait for the next 5 years to pass when this is finally legal on all states.

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