Ask Drew! juillet 31, 2022 admin CBD News 23 I answered some questions!.. kinda.. If you see this, comment saying ‘#AskPoo’ Sorry, for the last month I’ve been in space, I know … Check on YouTube Drewsif
CBD News Dear YouTube… I NEED YOUR HELP août 6, 2022 admin CBD News 41 Dear youtube, today I cover a very important topic, something that’s puzzled many, including Casey Neistat & Phil DeFranco. Check on YouTube
CBD News How Strong Is London's Bud? #2 | Testing The Publics % février 23, 2023 admin CBD News 24 We’re trying to find out what city in the UK has the strongest and weakest bud. Going back to this educational series i figured I’d go … Check on YouTube
CBD News How To Get Legal Weed In The UK avril 6, 2023 admin CBD News 20 A lot of people don’t know that medical weed has been legal in the UK since 2018… But how do you get legal weed in the UK? Check on YouTube
#AskPoo What really your 15? You look like anywhere from ages of 16-19 but not 15. Good looking for your age. LOVE YOU TOO. lol 🙂 Répondre
crazy to think he was using synthetic cannabis during this time
Wtf !!!
cool trim dude
dieing at the end
I'm actually jealous about you
귀여워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I had 26 heart attacks at the same time when you said you had a girlfriend.
How old are you now? I'm 16 x
Am I the only one who thinks drew looks like jack and Finn?
I'll plan the wedding 🙂
Damn! Good looking Girlfriend!!
dude u rock! XD stay rad
Im 13 ._.
#AskPoo What really your 15? You look like anywhere from ages of 16-19 but not 15. Good looking for your age. LOVE YOU TOO. lol 🙂
:') marvellous way of ending the video !just subscribed and liking your videos 🙂
Where do you come up with the ideas for you're videos? Can't think of anything for mine:-((
Hahahaha omg please can we get married hahahah
I think your girlfriend should get that checked out…
Ohh Drew.. I though Craig was your girlfriend?
You're 15? Oh My God I'm gonna die. I'm 5'3" haha very short! You're tall <3