36 Commentaires

  1. Ey Yo,

    My California Rangers,
    Be pleased to notice that in Germany BC. even People alike You and even Me as Myself are haunted and persecuted for their own Labour for Sake to undermine all of the West with its Consegration and powerful Resolution in federal Government,Residency,they joke about Us in Total and leave no Room or Quest to Reside and Relief,in Summon,in Common,Incomplete.

    Be safe out There!
    Keep us in your Prayers!

    We are U.S. .
    SoS Hollywood… .

    J. (00)

  2. bro, i met B like years ago in cali mad cool, at i guess the headquarters with my homie Benji , they had lowriders in a where house with a massive like cypress hill theater curtain up and they was filming the podcast, yellawolf was guest, anyway………..B came in with huge joint and talked about office chairs ahahaahhaahah the whole editing team had there computer stations with a dab machine in the office ahahahahahah

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