After hearing all the hype about the Billy Kimber, grown by Garrison Lane, we finally got our hands on it. Let us tell you, it lives up … Check on YouTube
48 Commentaires
It's Master Kush, OG Kush, and an unknown third strain.
hey chase….im a fellow san diegan (northpark)… question is….how do i contact the dispensaries where you get your terpy tues review wax from? i search leafly, weedmaps, 420 magazine, the reader, i even try to search for them through bing and i never get any hits. is there any way you could start putting the dispensary contact info in the video description or something like that…..thanks and keep up the good work….p.s. i even bought myself one of the liger 20mm enail
Hey Chase what dispensaries would you recommend out here in the San Diego area, you always seem to have some on point concentrates and was curious what shops you like.
First, of all love your reviews. Your rig and descriptions are on point. Second, I just noticed the foam on the wall in the back. Is that to absorb noise? How is it mounted on the wall? Cheers and thanks!
i saw your first video when it was first uploaded and i liked you but i wasnt sure if the internet would eat you alive or if you'd do well, i am so happy your getting positive feedback man keep up the good work and stay lit
I want one of those liger set-ups man they look like the SHIT. They are expensive though and I'm in the UK – big money for import duty too put's it out of my range… PLEASE get a UK distributor Mr Liger!
thats a dope room. how much did it cost you to get all the stuff for the walls? been wanting to do that in my apartment. also, do you have your own youtube channel? you make good content
Ha you got some haters here but man I like your videos. You keep your dab rig nice and clean. I like the closeup melt shots. The music is appropriate for the mellow mood you gots. Its difficult to describe taste and flavor, but you do a good job and use enough descriptive words to get the point across. Cheers!
Could you tell me how much you enjoy your Dif -pump compared to previous rigs. I've got a nice collection of Bates collabs and i am intrigued by the dif-pump.
It's Master Kush, OG Kush, and an unknown third strain.
Dudes fried from the start!
bad wizard stuff is pretty good for the donation
that shatter looks 💯
The selection of music,top notch. Drew's Theory Organic,goosebumps. Awesome track! Nice to wake and bake with.
you should review some paradox, punch or lollipop extracts or shatter mountain n put them local companies even further out there !
hey chase….im a fellow san diegan (northpark)… question is….how do i contact the dispensaries where you get your terpy tues review wax from? i search leafly, weedmaps, 420 magazine, the reader, i even try to search for them through bing and i never get any hits. is there any way you could start putting the dispensary contact info in the video description or something like that…..thanks and keep up the good work….p.s. i even bought myself one of the liger 20mm enail
Hey Chase what dispensaries would you recommend out here in the San Diego area, you always seem to have some on point concentrates and was curious what shops you like.
This guy reminds me of Jared from the show Silicon Valley. He's like the most civilized looking pothead ever. Which is awesome.
come on man its thursday, you're late
Looks absolutely fire guys. Last extract I enjoyed was Cheese shatter! Uks finest haha
Check us out on insta for some fine UK buds!
Really enjoying those close ups! More mixing around the cooncentrates, looks so clean
Dude open your eyes
First, of all love your reviews. Your rig and descriptions are on point. Second, I just noticed the foam on the wall in the back. Is that to absorb noise? How is it mounted on the wall? Cheers and thanks!
Chase is the one new host I actually enjoy. The BC boys just ain't my thing. No hate. Keep up the great content!
I see that blizzcon starcraft swag in the back, nice!
i saw your first video when it was first uploaded and i liked you but i wasnt sure if the internet would eat you alive or if you'd do well, i am so happy your getting positive feedback man keep up the good work and stay lit
I want one of those liger set-ups man they look like the SHIT. They are expensive though and I'm in the UK – big money for import duty too put's it out of my range… PLEASE get a UK distributor Mr Liger!
Shatter NOT
nail name?
2:45 his face melts
another solid review , cheers, Chase!
Another great review per usual, Chase!
thats a dope room. how much did it cost you to get all the stuff for the walls? been wanting to do that in my apartment. also, do you have your own youtube channel? you make good content
I only watch the CCC when I'm out of Nug/dabs
It's just what I need to get me thru the sober day 🙂
Ill be honest, im pretty over most dubstep songs, but Chase has always got some LIT ass beats rollin.
Ha you got some haters here but man I like your videos. You keep your dab rig nice and clean. I like the closeup melt shots. The music is appropriate for the mellow mood you gots. Its difficult to describe taste and flavor, but you do a good job and use enough descriptive words to get the point across. Cheers!
love the reviews. im not in the area but a Chameleon Extracts forbidden fruit review would be great! hear good things
sick room
idk who this guy is but i fucking love him
Looks nice
Music choice is always on point, cheers man!
I totally agree about most platinum is not comparable to anything other than its bland boring self. Would love to try this real cut
Which specific carb-cap is that?
This guys vids always have the shittiest music but overall the info is great.
dabing with chase!
your reviews are always on point keep them coming… cheers
Looking extremely fire man. Cant wait to see what the Liger guys bring you. Keep of the great work. Time for a glob of this Master Yoda Kush.
i dont know I like this dude, his nail is freaking awesome and hes pleasant to watch, super baked the whole time haha
Could you tell me how much you enjoy your Dif -pump compared to previous rigs. I've got a nice collection of Bates collabs and i am intrigued by the dif-pump.
good stuff
nice to hear all this information as i never smoked dabs, only regular bud weed
You should try some Jet fuel OG shatter at west coast cur but cheers.
These Terpy Tuesdays are the best from the collective of new folks that have been posted. Good stuff!