ty for watching i love you Social Media insta: stfumatthew snapchat: stfu-matthew twitter: stfumatthew Bentley Blaze stfumatthew fat … Check on YouTube
I found u like yesterday and was watching your vid from 2yrs ago called " Smoking a 10gram joint hotbox" and you seem pretty entertaining. I just learned u live in the same city ass me.
Hola Bentley Blaze soy de México y veo tus vídeos y me gustan mucho pero creo que deberías de comer despues de fumar. La experiencia es mejor aquí en México se le llama bajón cuando ya está pasa do el efecto de la marihuana y la comida sabe mejor A lo que quiero llegar es que después de fumarte deberías dejar pasar un poco de tiempo para después darte un buen bajón
Tats are on point
Dude you should grow your hair out like in the older videos
why is youtube giving me a warning that this content might inappropriate?
I found u like yesterday and was watching your vid from 2yrs ago called " Smoking a 10gram joint hotbox" and you seem pretty entertaining. I just learned u live in the same city ass me.
Honestly love your videos bro always love to get high an vibe with you keep up the great work Id love to meet you sometime 🙏☮️
bones make me feel weird too matther
horse ankle meat 😅
Bro rolled an exquisite blunt 😭💯
It would be awesome if you got on yolas podcast! Love your content bro, it’s hella relaxing and calms my anxiety. ❤️
Your videos make me feel at home, much love been watching since 2019🤞🏼
I wish I could have smoke session with you
How many grams do you normally put in your blunts
Bro this is the aecond vid ive ever seen of you, you literally look like a whole new person, in a good way
Hola Bentley Blaze soy de México y veo tus vídeos y me gustan mucho pero creo que deberías de comer despues de fumar. La experiencia es mejor aquí en México se le llama bajón cuando ya está pasa do el efecto de la marihuana y la comida sabe mejor
A lo que quiero llegar es que después de fumarte deberías dejar pasar un poco de tiempo para después darte un buen bajón
Saludos desde México!!
I never try to check and wings from taco Bell!
Shi took me out 💀
I just came from 2 years ago and damn I missed a few chapters
Wearing a mask is for sheep
he’s a skunker don’t cop his merch. I copped back in september and never got my stuff. stole $85 from me.
“Crispy chicken wings”
“You want the grilled chicken burrito?”
“How many?”
“I’ll do 5”
“So you want the 5-piece?”
Matt: 😶 “.. yea”
I used to work at taco hell, i will never eat there again. Hope it burns to ash
Makes sense, they are with kfc now.
Greetings from Germany ✌🏼 cool videos dude