25 Commentaires

  1. I smoke from a wooden pipe every day. I prefer to keep a cherry going in a pipe and puff, rather than 3 or 4 bowls from a bong. I'm weird though, and I like to make my own pipes and some for friends out of exotic hardwoods.

  2. As far as i know there are no water soluble cannabinoids…if there were it would be awesome for passing drug tests…a few days of drinking a buttload of water and it would be all out of your system.

  3. I live in Arizona, specifically Tempe and the Tempe police have to deal with one of the biggest colleges in the states which is ASU, and I live less than 3 miles from there cause I go there, but the point is the Tempe police are not nice when it comes to anyone young like me doing any form of drugs like weed, that being said I only smoke weed no other drugs prob like a lot of you here, but I always use a dry pipe, never joints or blunts and never bongs, because I also can not get ANY smell in my condo, so I just do everything outside by my truck in the condo parking lot, so the simplicity and speed of being able to stuff a quick spoon pipe bowl is the only way I can really smoke. Once you get used to the intensity of the smoke, after repeated use, you’ll be able to chug down entire bowls real quick and get back safely inside

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