47 Commentaires

  1. Respect to these women and snoop. It takes courage to come out as a cannabis user and more to put it on the internet as a woman as the abuse from (mostly) guys is inevitable. To all those people judging them – have a word with yourself. Peace ✌️

  2. I love the concept and women but I do wish it was more diverse. & having two Black women, an Asian woman, and maybe a couple of Latina identifying women does not count when every episode is MAJORITY white women.

    Y'all have all these white women saying they're activists and speaking about the socio-economics of weed but not bringing in Black/WOC to speak about these things as well. And y'all probably don't even get it.
    🤔😩 this shit is exhausting.

  3. That's awesome to bring to the table with your Public Relations matter under doubt that rose when George Bush Jr. attended a presidential dinner. All along time ago ma'am the pretender's ran around in the park, right?

  4. I felt like exploding when those twins showed up. Twins who act like they talk and do exactly the same thing and finish each other's sentences is so retarded. There's some kind of mental illness in that. No individualism and severe lack of social and mental growth. I'm sure there's studies on this shit.

  5. These are the rich version of those girls everyone knew atleast one of when they were younger. They start smoking weed and become over enthusiastic about it, until they become obsessed and identify with it and it's all they can talk or care about. It gets to a point where they grow up and it just becomes silly.

  6. To that first point the longer you use cannabis to void anxiety without confronting the root cause it will eventually grow to a place where it's unavoidable.

  7. Advertised as a show for women of all races – gets a load of white women talking about how they can smoke weed anywhere without being hassled as part of a revolution

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