23 Commentaires

  1. I disagree with everything all of you have said. It's 2022, skin color doesn't matter to average middle class families and people. They traded a subpar basketball player for a top tier arms dealer. Should have never happened.

  2. We gave back a American killer arms dealer for a WNBA. Nobody basketball player who knew the rules of the country because she’s been there before and purposely broke them. What a fucking JOKE

  3. Wow you guys are fucking serious? Lol what a disappointment. That Marine should’ve come home not some trans woman that smuggled thc concentrate to a Country that doesn’t put up with that shit.
    PSHHHH 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. i'm so happy to read these comments. thought i was losing my mind when I heard their take on this situation. they've obviously been paid to put a positive spin on it, but they don't have to sound ignorant while doing it. even though it's hard to cheer for this trade without playing dumb

  5. How can you say that when over 40 thousand Americans are in prison for doing what she did in Russia? Seems a bit hypocritical if you ask me. Besides, if you go to another country and break their laws however "harmless" you may think it may be, it is your own ignorance. For example, in Saudi Arabia, alcohol consumption is prohibited.

  6. Did you see the dude they released to Russia for this privalaged, gets to play a sport to make money, dumbass who brought a cart to a cannabis hatin' country……. ??????……
    a hardcore arms dealer,
    Who will take people out,
    cold blooded Killer!
    It's all bad…..

  7. about 40% of young people (up to 35-40 years old) in Russia smoke stuff and I'm sure she knew this, since she probably hung out with many of them. You just need to have brains and not drag drugs to the airport with you, buy them on the spot, we have excellent staff inside the country. (vape too) =)

  8. Worst US trade in history! Biden left a Marine who fought and served for our Country behind in Russia over someone who doesn't even like like this Country! I don't care race or color at the end of the day our serive members comes first! And anyone can kiss my ass if you think different especially you Breal!!! i don't support this channel no more now over your bulshit remark

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